30.07.2012, 20:51
Hello, im completely failing at creating a table i dunno what the hell to put into it etc if someone could do it for me or display it on a ss ill be happy ![Smiley](images/smilies/smile.png)
her are my enums
her are my enums
pawn Code:
enum PInfo
Pusername[25],// their username
Pscore,// theur score (when they first join it will be 0)
Pmoney,// same as above ^ only for money
Pbank,//this is the money they have in the bank so same as aove ^
Pstat,// this is if they are allowed into the class (stat) when they first join they wont have rights to use it
Parmy,//same as above
Pswat,//same as above
Padmin,//their admin level is here when they first join its 0
Pcop,// if cop level (when they taze and arrest is like 50 their cop level is 20 etc)
Pregdate,// date they registered
Pprison,// if they leave the server while in prison when they return they will be automaticly put in
Phelper,// if they are in the helper clas thing (like admin)
Pemail[255],//stores their email
Pvip,//there vip level
Ptime,//amount of time played on server
Parrest,//arrest score when first join 0
Psurender,//surender score when first join 0
Prob,// rob score when first join 0
Prape, //rape score when first join 0
Pheal,// heal score when first join 0
Phitman,// hitman score when first join 0
Psales,//sale score when first join 0
Pwep,//wep socre when first join 0
Pdrug,//drug scorewhen first join 0
Ptruck//truck score when first join 0