30.07.2012, 11:47
Последний раз редактировалось IceMeteor; 31.07.2012 в 13:50.
RC Track System v1.0
by Ravian - IceMeteor
Introby Ravian - IceMeteor
My First Filterscript, a RC Track with the script. The RC Track system based on Time Trial Race Mode. I make this for RP server, but you can modify some commands so you can use it for Non-RP server.
Videos and Screenshot

- Automatic Elevator system for the audience stage
- Countdown timer for each player before they start to try the Track
- Automatic stopwatch system to get player's time after a lap
/tryrc - to start the race
/gotorc - to go to the RC Track (RCON Admin Only)
/exitrc - to exit the RC prematurely
- ZCMD >> https://sampforum.blast.hk/showthread.php?tid=91354
I haven't found any bugs yet, report here if you found one
Thanks to
- http://wiki.sa-mp.com and its all member
- http://forum.sa-mp.com and its all member, especially:
> JernejL for his amazing SA-MP Map Editor
> Zeek for the ZCMD
- Grand City Roleplay Indonesia, where I learn RP and scripting
- And the people who help me to make this script
- http://pastebin.com/1S5yjnzB (PWN v1.0)