Powergaming (sorry if in wrong place)

please could someone tell me what power gaming is? i got gta sa today as my pc is not good enough for the new gta and to be accepted on server i need to know what powergaming is.

thanks in advance and hello all, merry christmas



Originally Posted by [Hunter

Powergaming is an roleplaying term. It means that you say stuff like 'LOL' and 'ROFL' and 'WUT IZ DIS??' in Character. It is not allowed.

Metagaming is doing stuff that isn't realistic. Like bunnyhopping.

Correct me if I'm wrong.

OMG.. rofl I can't understand how much the people are brainless.

Originally Posted by Snickers
Originally Posted by [Hunter

Powergaming is an roleplaying term. It means that you say stuff like 'LOL' and 'ROFL' and 'WUT IZ DIS??' in Character. It is not allowed.

Metagaming is doing stuff that isn't realistic. Like bunnyhopping.

Correct me if I'm wrong.
You wrong..
Sorry for double.

Originally Posted by MenaceX^
Originally Posted by Snickers
Originally Posted by [Hunter

Powergaming is an roleplaying term. It means that you say stuff like 'LOL' and 'ROFL' and 'WUT IZ DIS??' in Character. It is not allowed.

Metagaming is doing stuff that isn't realistic. Like bunnyhopping.

Correct me if I'm wrong.
You wrong..
Sorry for double.
Then metagaming is saying LOL ROFL etc in IC
and powergaming unrealistic things.
Im right about that, I just know it.

And Snickers, metagame is when you use OOC information for IC purposes, for example you know the hood of an gang OOCly, but ICly you didn't discovered it in RP ways and you pretend as you know it, but you only know it OOC.
Or another example of metagame is when you meet a person IC but you don't know his name ICly, and you're just looking above him where the name is written, and then you call his name. :P

Originally Posted by DonGic4
And Snickers, metagame is when you use OOC information for IC purposes, for example you know the hood of an gang OOCly, but ICly you didn't discovered it in RP ways and you pretend as you know it, but you only know it OOC.
Or another example of metagame is when you meet a person IC but you don't know his name ICly, and you're just looking above him where the name is written, and then you call his name. :P
OR saying LOL ROFL ic, right?

I'll make it short:
PG = Using a force/ability/object you don't have (ex. "/me is superman and cannot die". "/me pulls out a knife" even though you don't have a knife). It's also forcing another player into something - like "/me knocks John out" than /knockout ID. It's supposed to be "/me attempts to knock John out with his bat" and waiting for John's response.

MG = using OOC information ICly. Best example is knowing a player's name only by looking at his NameTag without ever finding his name in RP ways.

Originally Posted by Snickers
Originally Posted by DonGic4
And Snickers, metagame is when you use OOC information for IC purposes, for example you know the hood of an gang OOCly, but ICly you didn't discovered it in RP ways and you pretend as you know it, but you only know it OOC.
Or another example of metagame is when you meet a person IC but you don't know his name ICly, and you're just looking above him where the name is written, and then you call his name. :P
OR saying LOL ROFL ic, right?
No... thats using abreviattions, such as you said: lol, rofl, u, wut, etc.

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