25.07.2012, 11:54
Последний раз редактировалось Jarnu; 06.09.2012 в 13:48.
Done on my own ^^
well, i created a text draw for OnPlayerConnect and OnPlayerDisconnect.. and works perfect.
But i want to create more than one and i am confused totally. Can anyone help me making it? For 1st its like this pawn Код:
X connected. Y connected. Z connected.
new conString[256]={}; //has to be big enough, but dunno the exact size
//conString will be the text of the Textdraw
//player connects:
new tmp[64];
GetPlayerName(playerid, pName, sizeof(pName));
format(tmp, sizeof(tmp), "%s connected.\n", pName);
strcat(conString, tmp); //appends the value of tmp to conString (your textdraw text)