02.05.2012, 00:29
Ola galera do forum, eu queria colocar um R debaixo do radar no mapa
Tipo Quando eu digitar /criarradar [velocidade] criava o RADAR e o R que vai aparecer no mapa pra avisar que tem radar ali
Uma imagem do 'R'
o comando de criar radar
Espero que alguem me ajude
Tipo Quando eu digitar /criarradar [velocidade] criava o RADAR e o R que vai aparecer no mapa pra avisar que tem radar ali
Uma imagem do 'R'
o comando de criar radar
// This command allows you to create a speedcamera COMMAND:criarradar(playerid, params[]) { // Setup local variables new Float:x, Float:y, Float:z, Float:Angle, MaxSpeed, file[100], File:PFile, LineForFile[100], Msg[128]; // Send the command to all admins so they can see it SendAdminText(playerid, "/criarradar", params); // Check if the player has logged in if (APlayerData[playerid][LoggedIn] == true) { // Check if the player's admin-level is at least 5 if (APlayerData[playerid][PlayerLevel] >= 5) { if (sscanf(params, "i", MaxSpeed)) SendClientMessage(playerid, 0xFF0000AA, "Use: \"/criarradar <max_speed>\""); else { // Get player's position and facing angle GetPlayerPos(playerid, x, y, z); GetPlayerFacingAngle(playerid, Angle); z = z - 1.0; // Adjust camera Z-coordinate 1m lower than normal (otherwise the camera floats in the air) // Move the player a bit, otherwise he could get stuck inside the camera-object SetPlayerPos(playerid, x, y + 1.0, z + 1.0); // Save the camera to a file for (new CamID; CamID < MAX_CAMERAS; CamID++) { // Check if this index is free if (ACameras[CamID][CamSpeed] == 0) { // Setup this camera (create the objects and store the data) SetupSpeedCamera(CamID, x, y, z, Angle, MaxSpeed); // Save the file format(file, sizeof(file), CameraFile, CamID); // Construct the complete filename for this camera-file PFile = fopen(file, io_write); // Open the camera-file for writing format(LineForFile, 100, "CamX %f\r\n", x); fwrite(PFile, LineForFile); // And save it to the file format(LineForFile, 100, "CamY %f\r\n", y); fwrite(PFile, LineForFile); // And save it to the file format(LineForFile, 100, "CamZ %f\r\n", z); fwrite(PFile, LineForFile); // And save it to the file format(LineForFile, 100, "CamAngle %f\r\n", Angle); fwrite(PFile, LineForFile); // And save it to the file format(LineForFile, 100, "CamSpeed %i\r\n", MaxSpeed); fwrite(PFile, LineForFile); // And save it to the file fclose(PFile); // Close the file // Let the player know he created a new camera format(Msg, 128, "Voce criou um radar com id: {FFFF00}%i", CamID); SendClientMessage(playerid, 0x00FF00FF, Msg); // Exit the function return 1; } } // In case all camera-slots are occupied (100 camera's have been created already), let the player know about it format(Msg, 128, "{FF0000}Vocк nгo pode criar mais de %i radares's", MAX_CAMERAS); SendClientMessage(playerid, 0xFFFFFFFF, Msg); } } else return 0; } else return 0; // Let the server know that this was a valid command return 1; }