
So, I just downloaded Vortex Role-Play server scripts and after extracting it I started samp-server. After I just add IP and when i logged in it said Server lost the connection, retrying. Every server I download it shows same message. Is there anything else I have to download with Server scripts?

I will be waiting for respond.



What your samp version?

Make sure your server and you yourself as a client has the same sa-mp version (0.3e), then make sure that in the console it isn't saying "File or function not found" or what not.

dude, compile the script it needs the .amx not the .pwn, and load the required plugins, check the logs, and also check that if it is crashing because of the script files not present at the appropiate locations

1. Download this.
2. Extract it somewhere.
3. Copy samp-server.exe, announce.exe, samp-npc.exe to your Vortex Role-Play folder.
4. Replace with existing in Vortex Role-Play folder.
5. Done!

Originally Posted by RedJohn
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1. Download this.
2. Extract it somewhere.
3. Copy samp-server.exe, announce.exe, samp-npc.exe to your Vortex Role-Play folder.
4. Replace with existing in Vortex Role-Play folder.
5. Done!
I did the same what you said, server begin with nothing but just a spawn button and Connected to Vortex Role-Play. I just wanted to add login system and other some commands how do i do this?

and in my samp-server it shows an error


check your,


and check your plugins in CFG<file>

then re-try again

So, .amx and plugins ought to be same?

In my CFg file It's plugins streamer GeoIP_Plugin

whereas in I've VortexRoleplay in my gamemode file.

Try to download nativechecker, add it to the end of your plugins area, restart up the server, and show us what shows up in the console.

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