It's fine this VPS?

Disk: 25GB
Transfer: 250GB
RAM: 256MB/512MB

With those features I want to host a SA-MP server with a maximum of 50 players connected at the same time, a little forum, and a TeamSpeak.

It's a gamemode with about 20.000 lines (RP) with MySQL.

Will this be fine to work all of this well?

I wouldn't recommend running SA-MP, Teamspeak and forum together on this VPS.

Because only for Teamspeak server is recommended 512 MB RAM.

You should buy better VPS.

MYSQL = 512 MB team speak = 512 MB Sa-mp runs good with 128 MB since you got good internet speed and band and forums = 60~256 MB Ram so xD

No , maybe the samp server and SQL , for the other not good

your comp is probly better than that vps, try running it off ur comp, cheaper and better

Thanks all for your answers!

Don't run forums/website and SA:MP servers on the same VPS with such a low spec. It will lag SA:MP servers like hell. I have experienced it.

My current VPS memory/RAM usage is 80MB. I've tweaked that VPS a hell of a lot though. We average 10-20 players. With that spec, you would be able to handle SA:MP and a forum, but don't host TS on it as well.

i think that it canthandle ts but everything else if fine

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