whts this?can anyone explain me how to solve it?

Hey guys when i type any cmd in my server like /sf or any.it wont work and no replies when i type cmd wrong like /af.
It also not says that SERVER:Unknown Command.

Plz someone help me

This is a script bug...
Check if OnPlayerCommandText itself returns 0 and the commands return 1.
And could any moderator move this to scripting help?

I had the same problem but since then I used ZCMD with every command and that worked

i am using zcmd but dont know whts happening this.

Originally Posted by Gamer_007
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i am using zcmd but dont know whts happening this.
Then I don't know the problem

zCMD has to be out of OnPlayerCommandText. As an example you can put all zCMD commands to the end of your script.

yeah dan i am using that bcz if i put ZCMD cmds in onplayercommandtext it will give error that udefined symbol "comand_your cmd".but whts this.is this any script bug??

my problem solved.

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