23.12.2008, 13:27
Hey, What i want is, When the player enters the area, It in gamemodetext says "Safe Zone" When he leaves it Says Left Safe Zone, Also, when you are in the safezone, You are godded, When you leave, Your health goes back to default.
Here is what i have.
ALSO, How can i make a command bind to a key, Like /lockall is binded to 9 and /unlockall is binded to 0
Here is what i have.
pawn Код:
// Above OnGameModeInit:
new safezone;
// OnGameModeInit
safezone = GangZoneCreate(1319.6, -2755.979, 2207.118, -2125.373);
// Player Spawn
GangZoneShowForPlayer(playerid, safezone, 0xFF00007E);