18.07.2012, 21:23
Последний раз редактировалось Bingo; 18.07.2012 в 21:48.
Причина: Spelling mistakes!

Hi everyone!

I am Baskin commonly known as *Ema* , From the server [UoP]Universe of Paradise it's from 0.3c and i love playing thier and want to be a part from that server, This is my 3rd FS( The FS that i didn't published ) It's freaking easy and helpfull! Let's take a look on the script :

This FS allow you to send Auto server messages inside the server(Just as bot messages) , the server messages contains 8 messages and that will be random messages you can edit them in .pwn file.

When you type /onbot This cmd will start auto messages, Messages which you ' ev been define on .pwn file! you can edit Message 1,2,3,4... Replace them with you message!

- 1. Download from Pastebin! You will get a notepad file!
- 2. Copy all the code present in Notepad file (Which you'ev downloaded)
- 3. Open (pawno.exe) it is present in Samp server files!
- 4. Paste all code there (Which you' ev copied)!
- 5. Press F5 And you will get .amx file!
- 6. Goto /filterscript folder, Paste (.pwn and .amx) file there!
- 6. Goto server.cfg, Add this line next to Filterscript (It will look like this)
- filterscripts [vTc]Auto message! Enjoy

Pastebin ---> http://pastebin.com/dB0Au8M7
Mirrors are allowed!
************************************************** ***************************

[vTc]Patroool - For making
[vTc]Esam - For testing
[vTc]Baskin - Bug fixing
-Thank you for using it!

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