Beginner, Help with mapping

I add my maps into my server but they don't show up

This is how i do
#include <a_samp>

#if defined FILTERSCRIPT

public OnFilterScriptInit()
// Just a example of the way i add objects
CreateDynamicObject(987,2814.19995117,-1207.69995117,24.00000000,0.00000000,1.99951172,1.99951172); //object(elecfence_bar) (2)

return 1;

If it IS NOT defined as a filterscript then you need to add it to: OnGameModeInit. OR... Add a "#define FILTERSCRIPT true" to the top.

Compile Them LOL

If you're using it in a gamemode,
Remove the following lines and the lines inbetween them:

#if defined FILTERSCRIPT

You also need to place the objects inside OnGameModeInit.

Good luck.

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