server help please

Hiya can someone please help me get my server online please i have hadit ponline on my old computer i brought a better and faster computer today and now it wont go on line jus keeps saying reciving in my sa-mp client i have ben into the system32,drivers,etc,host and have put my external ip in there with my default ip aswell the ports 7777 is defonatly open as my server has been live with this connection JUST NEW COMP thats all thats changed


Can you please post your server.cfg and if you think you have errors, please post here you server log text file. Sometimes antivirus/firewall programs does not allow incoming connections and programs. Or, it just takes time, before your server appears to "Internet" list.

Try to add to your favorites list and try to play. If you can play normally in your game mode, problem is in settings, or router.

Thank you.

echo Executing Server Config...
lanmode 0
rcon_password booya
maxplayers 50
port 7777
hostname Faction-gaming 3e
gamemode0 SATDM_v11 1
filterscripts vehicleSpawner
plugins Whirlpool streamer GeoIP_Plugin irc sscanf y_files
announce 0
query 1
onfoot_rate 40
incar_rate 40
weapon_rate 40
stream_distance 300.0
stream_rate 1000
maxnpc 0
logtimeformat [%H:%M:%S]

that is my server file and i also have all my antiprotection off

change announce to 1

dont forget +rep

this hasnt sorted the problem mate can you team viewerme please its a brand new cmputer i dont know wht is wrong it still says reciving info it wont go live or active

Originally Posted by djshaneere
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this hasnt sorted the problem mate can you team viewerme please its a brand new cmputer i dont know wht is wrong it still says reciving info it wont go live or active
You Got Some Proplem's At Your PortForwading,Check: Tutorial

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