I'm just about done with cheaters!

Hi all,

In the last few months i noticed that the amount of cheaters is rising.
Also the cheats are getting very nasty now.

Here is an example:
An user on my server gets teleported and autobanned due to a cheater teleporting him away + giving him 400k of cash, where the anti moneyhack scripts kick in and ban him. An innocent player, banned. We can't make heads or tails about who is a cheater and who not, unless we have seen the ban ourself.

Also bot attacks are almost daily, we have scripts to avoid vehicle spawning etc. But it goes to a level that is unacceptable. Bots join, spam there message, and quit. Usually so fast that the server can't handle it and disrupts everything. There are even entire programs to try and brute force the rcon password, my logs are sometimes over 500mb large!(plain text!!)

Now, i'm not blaming anyone for this. But I am very intrested if this could be solved, anti-cheat detection in the client for example if some files are detected, stop the game. Or maby also a nice addition: client-id's which never change, so you can ban on an client id, and not on entire providers...

It would be very much appreciated!

I suggest upgrading to 0.3e R2 server and disabling remote rcon by setting the rcon variable in cfg to 0: 'rcon 0'

Originally Posted by hipy
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Hi all,
Or maby also a nice addition: client-id's which never change, so you can ban on an client id, and not on entire providers...
I was thinking about this the other day. I agree with you, there are getting more cheaters everyday, and some can cause alot of damage.

Altough this fixes a small amount of problems, there are still cheaters who do some nasty cheats... and that can't be solved, even with those anti-cheat scripts

Originally Posted by hipy
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An user on my server gets teleported and autobanned due to a cheater teleporting him away + giving him 400k of cash, where the anti moneyhack scripts kick in and ban him. An innocent player, banned.
That's not SA-MP's fault, that is the fault of your anti-cheat. My server and the other server I play don't do this, so perhaps you need to come up with a better system for detecting cheaters

Maybe it's time to block CLEO once again. Most of these nasty exploits seem to work through CLEO (car exploding, chat flooding, ..). I could even tell you who creates them.

Originally Posted by Potassium
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That's not SA-MP's fault, that is the fault of your anti-cheat. My server and the other server I play don't do this, so perhaps you need to come up with a better system for detecting cheaters
While there is some truth to this (Giving other players money without choice is a script fault for example), the fact remains that there are still many hacks that are impossible to resolve via scripting (Cleos for example). It feels that I spend more time scripting defenses for a SA-MP Server rather than actually scripting the gamemode itself. Then when your defenses are in place, some new form of hack appears from nowhere it seems, it's an endless fight...

So I understand where you're coming from with the statement (I'm just about done with cheaters!) because, I too was fed up with it and found the alternative. But it's because so many people depend on me that I just continue to strive forward and keep working with what SA-MP has to offer (You just have to work with what you got etc.)

I believe the #1 importance of ANY MP game is indeed to handle the cheating, so yea, would be nice if SA-MP can put a stop to cheating. But at the same time, I understand and also respect if it's simply not done

But thought I'd throw out my opnion on this for some reason

Well, my server does not have any option to give money to an other player. So this is not a fault in the script.

And i agree with what you say, i'm spending more time with those damn cheaters, then actually playing the game..

Originally Posted by hipy
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Now, i'm not blaming anyone for this. But I am very intrested if this could be solved, anti-cheat detection in the client for example if some files are detected, stop the game. Or maby also a nice addition: client-id's which never change, so you can ban on an client id, and not on entire providers...
I also would love if the sa-mp clients had some anti-cheats buildt in or perhaps the re-entry of SAC (Sa-mp Anti Cheat), i was sorry to see this in back in 2008 when SAC was cut out:

However having client id's for the sa-mp clients would not solve a thing, because anyone banned could just download a new client and get a new client id.

Originally Posted by hipy
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Here is an example:
An user on my server gets teleported and autobanned due to a cheater teleporting him away
This is not possible, sa-mp clients cannot tell the server to place another client (player) somewhere on the map.

Originally Posted by hipy
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Also bot attacks are almost daily, we have scripts to avoid vehicle spawning etc. But it goes to a level that is unacceptable. Bots join, spam there message, and quit. Usually so fast that the server can't handle it and disrupts everything. There are even entire programs to try and brute force the rcon password, my logs are sometimes over 500mb large!(plain text!!)
Like dugi wrote, most of these problems (if not all) have been corrected in R2.

The best option as i see it is to base your gamemode on things you CAN script anti-cheat for.

Originally Posted by Vince
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Maybe it's time to block CLEO once again. Most of these nasty exploits seem to work through CLEO (car exploding, chat flooding, ..). I could even tell you who creates them.
Yes, thats where they all basically come from because sa-mp already blocked that other mod.

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