Several server owners received a message sent by Fenix Zone owner, there's some post with that message in spanish obviosly. But I'm gonna traslate:
This is a statement that we warned you with a attack of 2 gbps, we hope that you will react to this by shutting down your server inmediatly, and which thereby we give you 10 bussiness days to shut down your server, otherwise, we're going to shutdown your server with a massive attack of 7.2 gbps that we did in this morning to "Pura Joda" server, which I don't know where it's hosted, but our work was successful and now that server is offline by the hard way. If you don't want to go though the same situation, please shutdown your server as fast as possible. Remember in 10 days we're going to do a massive attack with 7 gbps, the same attack that affected "Pura Joda"; we've taken out big servers though our alliance of attacks. It also won't cost much work to shutdown your server, we've closed servers like fantasilandia, megamania freeroam, pura joda, puro desmadre, and much more. And we added to the list the server called servidor latinoamericano, such server that will be down in 10 days if you don't do this by the easy way. Greetings.
Remember, we got until 18 gbps and there's no hosting that lasts too many time with such attack.
Note: Evade changing your IP adress. We're gonna find you!
And this is the list of servers that are gonna be destroyed:
[0.3e][ENG/SWE] Las Venturas Freeroam/Deathmatch
[0.3e] ..:: TDM EXTREMO ::.. [v2.8]
[0.3e] Stunts Unlimited -
..:: Mini Games Server [0.3e] ::..
[0.3e] eXtreme Missions v5
************ BLUE VS RED ************
[0.3e]..:: DESTRUCCION MASIVA ::.. -|Espaсol|-

SERVER LORENZOMATA ||:::>>-- [0.3e]
[iG]LS Zombie Apocalypse
Gamerx (0.3e)
[0.3e] Lucyfer2 No somos satanicos [FreeRoam]
Іє№І](_•--> Zona Extrema [ InternacionaL ] <--•_)[
[0.3e]..::Pura Joda::.. Freeroam [InternacionaL]
And remember, we're like pawno (he means pawnoscripting, a samp scripting community), we do this because we like!
End of the message.
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