Bayside is good or bad for roleplaying?

Hey guys, just curious as to what you think about Bayside for a medium-high roleplay server? I mean I currently have a server based in Los Santos, but as a small community, it seems too far spread apart for the roleplay to take its toll. Have Bayside roleplay servers ever succeeded in SA:MPs time?

It would be good if you could give me your feedback, much appreciated.

just a little curious on what you mean by a 'bayside' roleplay, could you elaborate

Originally Posted by Lorenzo*
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just a little curious on what you mean by a 'bayside' roleplay, could you elaborate
Sorry, didn't explain myself properly.. Pretty much just asking if servers located in that area have succeeded previously or not. I can't force the roleplay of which people choose to do.

Originally Posted by Wezzkid
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Sorry, didn't explain myself properly.. Pretty much just asking if servers located in that area have succeeded previously or not. I can't force the roleplay of which people choose to do.
ah i see, well i host a server located in los santos with a small playerbase, but it went great, so personaly i would think yes it will go well, of course it all comes down to you, good luck with it...hope i helped

Cheers, would be good for a few opinions and ideas if people could help?

what kind of features does your server provide?

I, personally wouldn't locate my server at some rich village which is Bayside. I suggest to locate your server somewhere at bone county or at red county.

Nah, You guys got a SARP script and i think its a good idea but people wouldn't adapt to it.

Depends, What you are roleplaying, Murder Or Friendship ?

@Boob - I can't really pick what people want to roleplay so we are trying to create something that will adapt to different cultures. Just hoping to be capable of giving Sub RP a little kick, creating new opportunities rather than the usual Los Santos map, or even LV or SF. I like the country town of Bayside, but what would be some awesome things that could be added into a town like that to create more of a corrupt side of it.

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