[HELP] from amx to pwn

Hi. I have big problem. I accident edit my pwn and I loose my code. I have amx but I can't edit this. AMX script weight 7.74 MB How can I solve this problem help please
sorry for bad engl

Well I think this cannot be fixed. But try DeAMX.

Well,honestly,I think there's no solution,and what I AM DOING sounds pretty stupid(I think,but I like the idea),I've seen many other similar posts,I have a gamemode all scripted by myself,and it has about 4000 lines,so everytime I add for about 500 lines,and the code is working I save them on a stick(yeah,stupid,but 1000 safer than hoping my computer won't do something stupid and lose the file,or a virus attack,etc.)!You can additionally upload the gamemode to pastebin and keep the links...

You cannot return a .pwn file from a .amx file. The amx file is hashed/encoded and cannot be copied to use as a pawn file.

I try, but nothing change :/ Thanks for idea

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