11.07.2012, 01:42
I have been tweaking around with my clickable textdraws to get the hovering working properly for quite a while now. I can't seem to get it fixed correctly. I would appreciate it if someone would help me with this. Right now the textdraws are completely unclickable.
pawn Код:
Startup6 = TextDrawCreate(178.000000, 201.000000, "Account");
TextDrawBackgroundColor(Startup6, 255);
TextDrawFont(Startup6, 3);
TextDrawLetterSize(Startup6, 0.879998, 2.499999);
TextDrawColor(Startup6, -1);
TextDrawSetOutline(Startup6, 1);
TextDrawSetProportional(Startup6, 1);
TextDrawTextSize(Startup6, 190.000000, 0.000000); // Needs tweaking
TextDrawSetSelectable(Startup6, 1);
Startup7 = TextDrawCreate(325.000000, 201.000000, "Register");
TextDrawBackgroundColor(Startup7, 255);
TextDrawFont(Startup7, 3);
TextDrawLetterSize(Startup7, 0.879998, 2.499999);
TextDrawColor(Startup7, -1);
TextDrawSetOutline(Startup7, 1);
TextDrawSetProportional(Startup7, 1);
TextDrawTextSize(Startup7, 350.000000, 0.000000); // Needs tweaking
TextDrawSetSelectable(Startup7, 1);