String problem. This is bug, or what?


I have problem with clearing the string.
Here is my script which I use.

When I type /test, then script generate 9 lenght random world into g_szReactionStr. (g_szReactionStr size is 24 cell)
If I type /ctest ASD123456789oiu, then this will work, but here come the problem.

When ReactionTest() runs (ModifedString = false), then doesn't get cleared the string, only the first 9 character.
So I get random frist 9 character, and the latest will be: xxxxxx456789oiu

I don't understand this, the latest worlds why doesn't get cleared..
This should be: xxxxxx, and not xxxxxx456789oiu
pawn Код:
CMD:ctest(playerid, params[])
    if(GetPVarInt(playerid, "Level") < 4 && !IsPlayerAdmin(playerid))
        return SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_RED, MSG_OWNER);

    if(isnull(params)) return SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_RED, "HASZNБLAT: /ctest <Szцveg>");
    if(strlen(params) >= sizeof(g_szReactionStr)) return SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_RED, "Tъl hosszъ a szцveg! Maximum 24 karakter lehet!");
    if(params[0] == '/') params[0] = '^';

    g_szReactionStr[0] = EOS;
    strcat(g_szReactionStr, params, sizeof(g_szReactionStr));
    return 1;

forward ReactionTest(bool:ModifedString);
public ReactionTest(bool:ModifedString)
    if(!Itter_Count(Player)) return 0;
    // printf("ReactionTest(ModifedString = %d)", ModifedString);
        static const
            szReactionStr[] = "ABCDEFGHJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789abcdefghijkmnopqrstuvwxyz";

        format(g_szReactionStr, sizeof(g_szReactionStr), ""); // I tried var[0] = EOS and same problem..
        for(new i; i < 9; i++)
            g_szReactionStr[i] = szReactionStr[random(sizeof(szReactionStr))];
        while(strlen(g_szReactionStr) < 4) goto Ide;
    g_iReactionActive = 1;
    SendClientMessageToAllf(COLOR_PINK, "Aki leghamarabb beнrja ezt: {" #XCOLOR_LIGHTGREEN2 "}%s {" #XCOLOR_PINK "}az nyer {" #XCOLOR_GREEN "}$9000-t & +3 {" #XCOLOR_PINK "}XP-t!", g_szReactionStr);
    g_iReactionTime = GetTickCount();
    return 1;
E: Fixed, but this is interesting..

Try using strmid.

pawn Код:
format(g_szReactionStr, sizeof(g_szReactionStr), "");
strmid(g_szReactionStr,"", 0, sizeof(g_szReactionStr));

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