05.07.2012, 20:09
Последний раз редактировалось Sinner; 07.07.2012 в 19:18.

Advanced Vehicle Customizer
Version 1.0 by Sinner
This is a vehicle customizer I've been working on for a few days now. It will allow any player to customize the vehicle he enters to his personal needs (nitro, boost, jumping, ...) and make it save. The saving is IP-based so if you change account names you'll still have your settings saved. This customizer will work with (almost) any type of vehicle-spawner and will 100% work if you manually enter a vehicle.
There are 2 commands, /vc to open up the dialog and /vchelp for some further explanation.
- No account required, u just join the game, customize your vehicle and it will save!
- Immediately syncs the vehicle
- Compatible with other vehicle scripts
- The ability to customize the following vehicle features:
- Primary color of your vehicle
- Secondary color of your vehicle
- Toggle unlimited nitrous
- Color flashing between primary and secundary vehicle colors
- Selection between any rim type
- Toggle vehicle boosting
- Toggle vehicle jumping
- Toggle the creation of ramps in front of vehicle (even on hills, slopes, ...)
- Set vehicle license plate
- Toggle autofix (whether your vehicle fixes automatically or not)
- Toggle anti-fall (ON means you can't fall off bikes)
- Toggle fast entering (enter vehicles immediately when you press ENTER)
- Toggle fast exiting (exit vehicle immediately when you press ENTER)
- Toggle speedometer (in KM/H)
- Toggle vehicle flipping (flips your car up)
Important: This script requires a working MySQL plugin. I have it included in the download!
There is very little configuration to do, to make the script work do the following:
1) Open up the script and fill in your MySQL details. If you don't have a running MySQL server you can still use this script but it won't save.
2) Edit the key defines to your liking (KEY_JUMP, KEY_NOS, ... Change it to whatever you like most).
3) That's it, you're done! Start your server and write /vc to configure any vehicle you step into.
Sony vegas isn't working atm, I'd be a happy person if someone could make a video of this script and post it here

All the files you need are in the attachment, please do not post mirrors.
Credits & license
You may modify/change this script in any way you see fit, but please don't re-release it without notifying me of this. And please don't remove the credits. I worked hard on this script.
Script was made by Sinner
MySQL plugin by Strickenkid
Jun 05 2012 - Release