Segmentation Fault

Hi. I have a server on Windows and it works perfectly on my PC. I bought a host on Linux, and after i copy the plugins, the Gamemode, filterscripts and script files and i edit server.cfg, i enter the server, and after the login-in, the server restart's. Sugestion?

It crashed, our only requests are post the server logs and/or crash info.

SA-MP Dedicated Server
v0.3e, ©2005-2012 SA-MP Team

[10:19:35] Server Plugins
[10:19:35] --------------
[10:19:35]  Loading plugin:

[10:19:35]  ===============================

[10:19:35]       sscanf plugin loaded.     

[10:19:35]    © 2009 Alex "******" Cole

[10:19:35]    0.3d-R2 500 Players "dnee"

[10:19:35]  ===============================

[10:19:35]   Loaded.
[10:19:35]  Loading plugin:

*** Streamer Plugin v2.5.2 by Incognito loaded ***

[10:19:35]   Loaded.
[10:19:35]  Loaded 2 plugins.

[10:19:35] Filterscripts
[10:19:35] ---------------
[10:19:35]   Loading filterscript 'Sistem_Casa.amx'...
[10:19:35] OnFilter
[10:19:35]  ======================================= 
[10:19:35]  |                                     | 
[10:19:35]  |        YSI version 3.01.0002        | 
[10:19:35]  |        By Alex "******" Cole        | 
[10:19:35]  |                                     | 
[10:19:35]  ======================================= 
[10:19:35] [Script] Script-ul a incarcat sistemul de case.
[10:19:35] ================================================

[10:19:35]   Loading filterscript 'Sistem_Auto.amx'...
[10:19:35] OnFilter
[10:19:35] ------------ Sistemul auto s-a incarcat -----------
[10:19:35] ===================================================

[10:19:35] [Script] Script-ul a incarcat 0 vehicule.
[10:19:35] [Script] Script-ul a incarcat 0 magazine.
[10:19:35] [Script] Script-ul a incarcat 0 benzinarii.
[10:19:35]   Loaded 2 filterscripts.

[10:19:35]  ======================================= 
[10:19:35]  |                                     | 
[10:19:35]  |        YSI version 3.01.0002        | 
[10:19:35]  |        By Alex "******" Cole        | 
[10:19:35]  |                                     | 
[10:19:35]  ======================================= 
[10:19:35] OnGameo
[10:19:35] OnGameo
[10:19:35] Number of vehicle models: 13
[10:19:40] Incoming connection:
[10:19:40] [join] Nathaniel_Archibald has joined the server (0:
[10:19:40] *** YSI Error: INI_Open could not find or create file Case/Jucator/Nathaniel_Archibald.ini
[10:19:42] *** YSI Error: INI_Open could not find or create file Case/Jucator/Nathaniel_Archibald.i
[10:19:42] [part] Nathaniel_Archibald has left the server (0:2)

Check to make sure you have all necessarily folders in your scriptfiles folder.

I checked 100 times. I have all the files.

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