Checkpoint streamer question

Fellow scripters,

I had this question about the checkpoint streamer which is being used in the script i use.
I know how it works ect, but i'd like to add more checkpoints, but for that i need to find out what the 4th argument is for the 'checkcoords'

pawn Код:
new Float:checkCoords[MAX_POINTS][4] = {
{-1623.6704,710.2758,-1595.5138,726.3750}, //SFPDEnt
this is just a small piece of the streamer, i know that the first argument is x, second y, third z, but i can't figure what the fourth is..
EDIT: After taking another look at all the checkpoints i've started to get a doubt if they are actually the X,Y,Z, because normally the Z wouldnt have such values?

Also, i made a report function which uses a dialog, but i have to enter the name and the reason in the same 'box', i'd like to seperate them, is there a possibility to do that?
EDIT: I want the report dialog to open up if the player presses F2(for example), which key state do i need to use for that, i couldnt find it on the samp keystate wiki...

Thanks in advance,
a newbie scripter

native CreateDynamicCP(Float:x, Float:y, Float:z, Float:size, worldid = -1, interiorid = -1, playerid = -1, Float:distance = 100.0);
4th argument is size of CP

I don't think it is, because there are also negative values for the 4th argument.

And under the checkcoord variables there is a 'checkpoints' variable which says the size ect.

pawn Код:
new Float:checkpoints[MAX_POINTS][4] = {
{-1605.5288,712.4097,13.8714,3.0}, //SFPDEnt

The last guy was right, the 4th argument is the size of the checkpoint.

726.3750 will be a checkpoint a quarter the size of the san andreas map and needs to be changed.

I'm pretty sure its not the size...
Why would Stevo127 make it this way then? (I am using stevo's SFCRRPG script)

All checkpoints in the server are size 3.0, like i showed in my post above.

Show the part of your code that has CreateDynamicCP function called.

There is not a function called like that in the script.



Anything like that.

There are no functions including 'checkpoint', or something similar in the script.

Oh wait... I havn't read your top thread I was just assuming...

I think those coords are x1, y1 and x2, y2 values.

You know, for a race checkpoint streamer...

Or it could be a zone checker, minX, minY and maxX, maxY

though i may be wrong because I don't have enough information to support my conclusion.

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