How to create a .AMX File to my PWN file

How can I create a AMX file for my PWN one?

Are you serious?

Step1: Open Pawno.exe
Step2: Open filenamehere.pwn
Step3: Compile
Result: filenamehere.amx

You need compile that dude in pawno software...

If no error so your AMX will create automatically..

Is it a joke or somethjing like this? Ok if you really, here are some steps:

1.Open Pawno.exe (usually in standart server foldier)
2.Press FILE
3.Press OPEN
4.Find and select needed pwn file
5.Press "compile" button (or press BUILD>COMPILE)

press 'f5'

I Really Have To Laugh At This Post Because You Don't Need To Ask On The Forums Open Up The Help Application Built-in With Pawno And Yes Just Click The Blue Arrow Facing Right Its As Simple As That

the topic name sounds like he is trying to convert an AMX to a PWN.
If so, DeAMX
If not, compile with pawno like they said..

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