Yea you have to divide...but heres a snipit from my dialog vip system . It uses unix timestamp, wich i assume you used, and calculates the days, miuntes, and seconds. I learned how to do this from a tutoral so it isnt perfect but it works.
pawn Код:
command(stats, playerid, params[])
new TotalVipTime, Days, Hours, Minutes, Msg[200];
TotalVipTime = Player[playerid][VipExpiredTime] - gettime();//here it will get the time stamp saved in the player variable
if (TotalVipTime >= 86400)
Days = TotalVipTime / 86400;
TotalVipTime = TotalVipTime - (Days * 86400);//here it calculates the days
if (TotalVipTime >= 3600)
Hours = TotalVipTime / 3600;
TotalVipTime = TotalVipTime - (Hours * 3600);//calculates the seconds
if (TotalVipTime >= 60)
Minutes = TotalVipTime / 60;
TotalVipTime = TotalVipTime - (Minutes * 60);//calculates the minutes
format(Msg, 200, "{00CED1}Remaining Vip: {FFFFFF}Days: {00A400}%i{FFFFFF}, Hours: {00A400}%i{FFFFFF}, Minutes: {00A400}%i{FFFFFF}\n", Days, Hours, Minutes);
return 1;
And that will tell the player how much time they have left.
also i dont know how you fill the varaible for how much time the player has but here is how it would work
pawn Код:
Player[playerid][VipExpiredTime] = gettime()+(Your_ammount_of_days*86400);
Hope that works for you and hope you understand how it works.