26.06.2012, 19:34
Последний раз редактировалось Mauzen; 28.06.2012 в 10:46.
Some time ago I thought about creating an automatic linkcounter to count how often a link has been clicked. I needed it just for some special things, but later I decided to make it available for everyone. I also added link shrinking functionality, and the ability to render the counted clicks as image.
Of course my mauzen.net domain already is longer than shrinked links by other services, but the 150-line-long php script offers some possibilities that make it more handy for me than most other shrinkers:
mauzen.net/h.php?u=ANY_LINK to create statistics and forward to the link.
mauzen.net/h.php?i=YOUR_LINK to get an image showing the total number of uses of the link.
mauzen.net/h.php?stats=YOUR_LINK to get the statistics for the link. Note that this is available to anyone.
mauzen.net/h.php?s=SHORT_LINK the same as the first one, the shrinked link is shown on the statistics page
mauzen.net/h.php?o=IMAGE_LINK directly links to the image with a view counter overlay.

Feel free to use it as you need. As said I just made this for myself at first, but maybe some of you can make some use of it too. Also feel free to give suggestions as you like.
Of course my mauzen.net domain already is longer than shrinked links by other services, but the 150-line-long php script offers some possibilities that make it more handy for me than most other shrinkers:
- Direct forwarding: No ads, no waiting time, just direct forwarding to the link. This also allows to directly link images or downloads, to get a view or download counter.
- No link setup: Just use the link, theres absolutely no registration.
- Detailed, but simple and parseable statistics: Getting the link statistics also is just a simple link. It records first use, last use and a counter (normally for each referer, but this doesnt work atm). Available as simple plaintext, so you could even parse it to show a counter on your own website.
mauzen.net/h.php?u=ANY_LINK to create statistics and forward to the link.
mauzen.net/h.php?i=YOUR_LINK to get an image showing the total number of uses of the link.
mauzen.net/h.php?stats=YOUR_LINK to get the statistics for the link. Note that this is available to anyone.
mauzen.net/h.php?s=SHORT_LINK the same as the first one, the shrinked link is shown on the statistics page
mauzen.net/h.php?o=IMAGE_LINK directly links to the image with a view counter overlay.

Feel free to use it as you need. As said I just made this for myself at first, but maybe some of you can make some use of it too. Also feel free to give suggestions as you like.