How to fix this it's big bug.

Okay.I got DSRP script if you know it.I fixed it to 0 bugs 0 warnings.Included newest streamers,foreach,sscanf but i still get runtime error 19 file or function not found.Since i got sended pwn+amx only.Can it bee from this?The scirpt sender sayd that it won't work on my computer,it has secret way.How to find it?

download plugin nativecheker then post server log

[08:13:36] Loading filterscript 'pRadio.amx'...
[08:13:36] =======================================
[08:13:36] Radio Filter Script by proking - LOADED
[08:13:36] =======================================
[08:13:36] Loading filterscript 'goldrims.amx'...
[08:13:36] Welcome to my tunning FS
[08:13:36] Loading filterscript 'speedometer.amx'...
[08:13:36] Clock Speedometer load
[08:13:36] Loaded 6 filterscripts.

[08:13:36] Error: Function not registered: 'Audio_Seek'
[08:13:36] Script[gamemodes/esrp.amx]: Run time error 19: "File or function is not found"
[08:13:36] Number of vehicle models: 0
[08:13:44] --- Server Shutting Down.
[08:13:44] ==========================================
[08:13:44] Radio Filter Script by proking - UN-LOADED
[08:13:44] ==========================================
[08:13:44] Clock Speedometer unload

update latest audio plugin and include then recompile script
EDIT:incogito changed the function,change the Audio_Seek to Audio_Setposition(from your script)

C:\Documents and Settings\pileto\Desktop\SAMP Server Control Shortcuts\California Streets Roleplay Gamemode\gamemodes\esrp.pwn(373 : error 017: undefined symbol "Audio_SetPosition"
C:\Documents and Settings\pileto\Desktop\SAMP Server Control Shortcuts\California Streets Roleplay Gamemode\gamemodes\esrp.pwn(3770) : error 017: undefined symbol "Audio_SetPosition"
C:\Documents and Settings\pileto\Desktop\SAMP Server Control Shortcuts\California Streets Roleplay Gamemode\gamemodes\esrp.pwn(374 : warning 203: symbol is never used: "seek"
C:\Documents and Settings\pileto\Desktop\SAMP Server Control Shortcuts\California Streets Roleplay Gamemode\gamemodes\esrp.pwn(3800) : error 017: undefined symbol "Audio_SetPosition"
C:\Documents and Settings\pileto\Desktop\SAMP Server Control Shortcuts\California Streets Roleplay Gamemode\gamemodes\esrp.pwn(3779) : warning 203: symbol is never used: "seek"
C:\Documents and Settings\pileto\Desktop\SAMP Server Control Shortcuts\California Streets Roleplay Gamemode\gamemodes\esrp.pwn(8491) : warning 209: function "Audio_OnPlayerConnect" should return a value
Pawn compiler 3.2.3664 Copyright © 1997-2006, ITB CompuPhase

3 Errors.

after i put Audio_SetPosition

warning 209: function "Audio_OnPlayerConnect" should return a value
this function need return 1; at end of brackets
error 017: undefined symbol "Audio_SetPosition"
what verision audio plugin you using?(like replace from latest verison with old verision same plugin)
warning 203: symbol is never used: "seek"
remove that

Givme the right version,i download some but nothing.

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