Objects Limit?

Well...I have a problem. I have done like a huge DM cage with help of a friend.
The server is portforwarded, but somehow not all the objects (like bars that make the cage) load.

I have read there is a limit of 1000 objects without using streamer.
Problem is that I have 940 objects created , not +1000 , and somehow like when I go in the DM cage , some of the bars are missing.

Do cars ( AddStaticVehicle ) count as objects?

I can show so you can calculate the lines

pawn Code:
//__DM CAGE__//
//346//         CreateObject(969, -1918.96, 290.51, 40.00,   0.00, 0.00, 0.00); //all the stuff in between is objects for cage//
//1269//    CreateObject(969, -52.53, 1490.34, 36.12,   92.10, 5.64, 139.21);

//Static vehicles go from 246 to 341 , and  1269 to 1368//
So basically that means that if its only objects as in the ones added by samp map creator , its 923 objects in total , not more than 1000.

My question is , do addstaticvehicles count as objects? Then it would be +1000 objects.

If so, what is the solution to this?з


P.D: There is no error in script , it only just doesnt load like 30 bars

I suggest you just use incognitos streamer to use unlimited objects.

And how does that work? Link or anything? xD

Originally Posted by daastle
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And how does that work? Link or anything? xD

Originally Posted by tiernantheman
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Thanks a lot

the vehicles do not count as objects.

Actually you have an object limit of 2000 objects if you map through MTA-1.3 and other MTA's but there are links that can give you your answers.
Will add more links if I find them.

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