16.06.2012, 20:15
Hey guys ! I`m planning on creating a new RolePlay GM. I`m thinking about scripting an VERY VERY VERY big Prison Script. I thinked that, maybe, I should give the players the posibillity to escape after they gatter few objects that they need to escape, or maybe when they finish their sentece, maybe, 1 day should be 5 or 10 real hours. If the player escapes he should have what to do after the escape so, I`m thinking to script something like a mission after you escape so you must change your clothes, your identy, your hair style and than, you should have the posibility to buy a house, a car, a bussines. If you do any infraction you should me judged by the Law Enforcement faction and sent to the prison with a sentece calculated with some rules, accusations, infraction you commited and the State Laws.
I`d like to keep the action in LS, maybe mapping a big big prison somewhere in LS, then keeping the rest of the city for the outside life.
Please post your oppinion about my idea, give me other ideas or tell me why I should script this or why I shouldn`t script this.
I`d love to know what features you`d like the GM to have
Waiting for your comments. Come on, I know you have some ideas for me

I`d like to keep the action in LS, maybe mapping a big big prison somewhere in LS, then keeping the rest of the city for the outside life.
Please post your oppinion about my idea, give me other ideas or tell me why I should script this or why I shouldn`t script this.
I`d love to know what features you`d like the GM to have

Waiting for your comments. Come on, I know you have some ideas for me