[AJUDA] Alguem conhece aquela FS lladmin entгo ...

Entгo Gente o problema й o seguinte tem uma include que fica dando ao compilar. Eu tenho essa include ta dentro da minha pasta " include" e "pawno"

Eu tenho essa include, olha ai na pasta

Gente ja tentei de tudo. Entгo ve minha include aee ve se tem alguma coisa errada

Qualquer coisa se tiver errado, vou responder na mesma hora. Se quizer que eu poste a include toda eu posto. Tenho samp dessas versoes 0.3e e 0.3d

Ja tentou substitui-la por outra?

Tente atualiza-la.

Como assim substitui-la por outra? E como Assim atualizar ??

Originally Posted by sacerotim
Посмотреть сообщение
Como assim substitui-la por outra? E como Assim atualizar ??
Baixa outra include(DOF2)..Aqui no forum,se voc usar o search,vai achar varias..

Pegue esta aqui que estou te passando e coloque no lugar da sua:

#if defined _dof2_included
#define _dof2_included

#include <a_samp>


 * This is a new version of the INI script Double-O-Files.
 * However, it's has completely been rewritten and has now a much better performance.
 * There is also the support for sections in the INI file. (But there is no support for comments.)
 * Double-O-Files 2 is compatible with DUDB, DINI, Double-O-Files and possibly y_ini since it
 * can handle sections and entry of the format "key = value", not only "key=value".
 * The number of spaces between the equal sign and key and value can actually be arbitrary.
 * I've added some comments below. You may see that I've mentioned the big-O-notation,
 * 'n' always Entries.Count.
 * Double-O-Files 2 should also be useful for Russian letter because I'm using
 * the functions fgetchar and fputchar to write and read the files.
 * There is another new feature which has been inspired by ZCMD and y_ini:
 * The OnParseFile callbacks. To learn more about it, read the description in
 * the SA-MP forums if you haven't already.


native DOF2_SetFile(file[]);
native DOF2_LoadFile();
native DOF2_SaveFile();
native DOF2_ParseFile(file[],extraid,bool:callback=true);
native DOF2_ReparseFile(file[],extraid,bool:callback=true);
native DOF2_WriteFile();
native DOF2_PrintFile(comment[]="");
native DOF2_GetString(file[],key[],tag[]="");
native DOF2_GetStringEx(file[],key[],result[],size,tag[]="");
native Float:DOF2_GetFloat(file[],key[]);
native DOF2_GetInt(file[],key[],tag[]="");
native DOF2_GetHex(file[],key[],tag[]="");
native DOF2_GetBin(file[],key[],tag[]="");
native bool:DOF2_GetBool(file[],key[],tag[]="");
native DOF2_SetString(file[],key[],value[],tag[]="");
native DOF2_SetFloat(file[],key[],Float:value);
native DOF2_SetInt(file[],key[],value,tag[]="");
native DOF2_SetHex(file[],key[],value,tag[]="");
native DOF2_SetBin(file[],key[],value,tag[]="");
native DOF2_SetBool(file[],key[],bool:value,tag[]="");
native DOF2_IsSet(file[],key[],tag[]="");
native DOF2_Unset(file[],key[],tag[]="");
native DOF2_FileExists(file[]);
native DOF2_RemoveFile(file[]);
native DOF2_CreateFile(file[],password[]="");
native DOF2_RenameFile(oldfile[],newfile[]);
native DOF2_RenameKey(file[],oldkey[],newkey[],tag[]="");
native DOF2_CopyFile(filetocopy[],newfile[]);
native DOF2_CheckLogin(file[],password[]);
native DOF2_File(user[]);
native DOF2_ParseInt();
native DOF2_ParseFloat();
native DOF2_ParseBool();
native DOF2_ParseBin();
native DOF2_ParseHex();
native DOF2_SetUTF8(bool:set);
native bool:DOF2_GetUTF8();
native DOF2_GetFile();
native DOF2_MakeBackup(file[]);
native DOF2_RemoveSection (file [], tag []);
native DOF2_SectionExists (file [], tag []);
native DOF2_SortSection (file [], tag [], bool: ignorecase = true, bool: ascending = true);
native DOF2_SortAllSections (file [], bool: ignorecase = true, bool: ascending = true);
native DOF2_SetCaseSensitivity (bool: set);
native DOF2_GetCaseSensitivity ();

#define DOF2_TagExists  DOF2_SectionExists
#define DOF2_RemoveTag  DOF2_RemoveSection

// OnParseFile <Tag><Key>(extraid, value [])
// OnParseFile <><Key>(extraid, value [])
// OnDefaultParseFile (extraid, value [], key [], tag [], file [])

// The arguments of your OnParseFile functions may have arbitrary names but must be an integer followed by a string.
// Function must return a value.
#define OnParseFile<%0><%1>(%2) \
	forward _OnParseFile_%0_%1 (extraid, value []); \
	public _OnParseFile_%0_%1 (extraid, value []) \
	    return __OnParseFile_%0_%1 (extraid, (value [0] == '\1' && value [1] == '\0') ? ("") : value); \
	stock __OnParseFile_%0_%1 (%2)

// Also here: The argument names may be arbitrary but must be an integer followed by 4 strings.
// Function must return a value.
#define OnDefaultParseFile(%0) \
	forward _OnDefaultParseFile (extraid, value [], key [], tag [], file []); \
	public _OnDefaultParseFile (extraid, value [], key [], tag [], file []) \
	    return __OnDefaultParseFile (extraid, (value [0] == '\1' && value [1] == '\0') ? ("") : value, key, (tag [0] == '\1' && tag [1] == '\0') ? ("") : tag, file); \
	stock __OnDefaultParseFile (%0)

#define DOF2_ParseBool() \
	(strval (value) || (value [0] && !strcmp (value, "true", true)))

#define DOF2_ParseInt() \
	(strval (value))

#define DOF2_ParseFloat() \
	(floatstr (value))

#define DOF2_ParseBin() \
	(DOF2_strbin (value))

#define DOF2_ParseHex() \
	(DOF2_strhex (value))

#define DOF2_LoadFile() \
	DOF2_ParseFile (CurrentFile, -1, false)

#define DOF2_SaveFile \

#define DOF2_FileExists \

#define Sections. \

#define Entries. \

#define DOF2:: \
#if !defined private
	#define private 		static stock
#pragma dynamic 65536

#define MAX_SECTION_TAG        (32)
#define MAX_LINE_SIZE       (128)
#define MAX_SECTIONS            (32)
#define MAX_ENTRIES         (256)
#define MAX_FILE_SIZE       (64)

#define USER_FILE_PATH 		"Users/%s.ini"

// The maximum length of the name of a tag.
#if !defined MAX_SECTION_TAG
	#define MAX_SECTION_TAG    	(32)

// The maximum length of a line (including key and value).
#if !defined MAX_LINE_SIZE
	#define MAX_LINE_SIZE       (128)

// The maximum number of sections which can be handled. Be careful: MUST NOT be higher than 255.
#if !defined MAX_SECTIONS
	#define MAX_SECTIONS       	(32)

// The maximum number of entries which can be loaded into the cache.
#if !defined MAX_ENTRIES
	#define MAX_ENTRIES         (256)

// The maximum length of the name of a file.
#if !defined MAX_FILE_SIZE
	#define MAX_FILE_SIZE       (64)

If PACK_CONTENT == true tag names and lines (key + value) will get stored in cache as packed strings.
The result is less memory usage. However, you won't be able to use special characters like russian or chinese ones.
#if !defined PACK_CONTENT
	#define PACK_CONTENT        (false)

#define INVALID_ENTRY           (-1)
#define INVALID_SECTION         (-1)

// Do you want to emulate DUDB?
#if !defined DUDB_CONVERT && 0 // Change to 1 to enable.

#if !defined USER_FILE_PATH
	#if defined DUDB_CONVERT
		#define USER_FILE_PATH 	"%s.dudb.sav"
	    #define USER_FILE_PATH 	"%s.ini"

#if !defined USER_PW_HASH_KEY
    #if defined DUDB_CONVERT
		#define USER_PW_HASH_KEY "password_hash"
	    #define USER_PW_HASH_KEY "password"

// Do you want to emulate DINI?
#if !defined DINI_CONVERT && 0 // Change to 1 to enable.

#if MAX_SECTIONS >= 256
	#error MAX_SECTIONS must not be greater than 255.


	bool: UseUTF8 = PACK_CONTENT,
	bool: CaseSensitive = false,
	CurrentFile [MAX_FILE_SIZE],
	bool: FileChanged,
	Sections.FirstEntry [MAX_SECTIONS] = {INVALID_ENTRY, ...},
	Sections.LastEntry [MAX_SECTIONS] = {INVALID_ENTRY, ...},
#if PACK_CONTENT == true
	Entries.Line [MAX_ENTRIES][MAX_LINE_SIZE char],
    Entries.Line [MAX_ENTRIES][MAX_LINE_SIZE],
#if MAX_SECTIONS >= 256
	Entries.Section [MAX_ENTRIES],
	Entries.Section [MAX_ENTRIES char],
	Entries.NextEntry [MAX_ENTRIES] = {INVALID_ENTRY, ...},
	Entries.PreviousEntry [MAX_ENTRIES] = {INVALID_ENTRY, ...},
	SortedEntryList [MAX_ENTRIES][2]; // Index 0: Hashcode, Index 1: EntryID


stock DOF2::Exit ()
	DOF2::WriteFile ();

stock DOF2::SetUTF8 (bool: set)
	UseUTF8 = set;

stock bool: DOF2::GetUTF8 ()
	return UseUTF8;

stock bool: DOF2::SetCaseSensitivity (bool: set)
	CaseSensitive = set;
stock bool: DOF2::GetCaseSensitivity ()
	return CaseSensitive;

stock DOF2::SetFile (file [])
	DOF2::strcpy (CurrentFile, file);

stock DOF2::GetFile ()
	return CurrentFile;

stock DOF2::CreateFile (file [], password [] = "")
	if (!DOF2::FileExists (file))
        new File: f = fopen (file, io_append);
		if (fclose (f))
			if (password [0])
		    	return DOF2::SetInt (file, USER_PW_HASH_KEY, DOF2::num_hash (password));
			return 1;
	return 0;

stock DOF2::RenameFile (oldfile [], newfile [])
	if (!DOF2::FileExists (newfile))
	    // If 'CurrentFile' is 'oldfile', write it if it has been changed.
		if (CurrentFile [0] && !strcmp (CurrentFile, oldfile) && FileChanged)
			DOF2::WriteFile ();
		else if (!DOF2::ParseFile (oldfile, -1, false)) // Otherwise parse 'oldfile'.
		    return 0;
		DOF2::SetFile (newfile);
		if (DOF2::WriteFile ())
		    return fremove (oldfile);
	return 0;

stock DOF2::CopyFile (filetocopy [], newfile [])
    if (!DOF2::FileExists (newfile))
	    if (CurrentFile [0] && !strcmp (CurrentFile, filetocopy) && FileChanged)
			DOF2::WriteFile ();
		else if(!DOF2::ParseFile (filetocopy, -1, false))
		    return 0;
		DOF2::SetFile (newfile);
		return DOF2::WriteFile ();
	return 0;

stock DOF2::RemoveFile (file [])
	if (file [0])
	    if (CurrentFile [0] && !strcmp (CurrentFile, file))
	        CurrentFile [0] = '\0';
		return fremove (file);
	return 0;

stock DOF2::MakeBackup (file [])
		backupfile [MAX_FILE_SIZE];

    getdate (year, month, day);
    gettime (hour, minute, second);
    format (backupfile, sizeof (backupfile), "%s.%02d_%02d_%02d.%02d_%02d_%02d_%02d.bak", CurrentFile, month, day, year, hour, minute, second, GetTickCount ());
    return DOF2::CopyFile (CurrentFile, backupfile);

stock bool: DOF2::SectionExists (file [], tag [])
    if (file [0]) // You can't remove the empty Sections.
	    if (!tag [0])
	        return true; // Emptry section always exists. In every file.

        if (!CurrentFile [0] || strcmp (CurrentFile, file)) // No file in buffer or the file you want to read from is not the file in the buffer.
	    	if (!DOF2::ParseFile (file, -1, false))
	    	    return false;

	#if PACK_CONTENT == true
		new buf [MAX_SECTION_TAG];
    	for (new i = 1; i < Sections.Count; ++i)
    	#if PACK_CONTENT == true
    	    strunpack (buf, Sections.Tag [i]);
	        if (!strcmp (buf, tag, !CaseSensitive))
		        return true;
		    if (!strcmp (Sections.Tag [i], tag, !CaseSensitive))
		        return true;
	return false;

stock DOF2::RemoveSection (file [], tag [])
	// Removes tag 'tag' with all it's entries.
	if (file [0] && tag [0]) // You can't remove the empty Sections.
    	if (!CurrentFile [0] || strcmp (CurrentFile, file)) // No file in buffer or the file you want to read from is not the file in the buffer.
	    	if (!DOF2::ParseFile (file, -1, false))
	    	    return 0;

		#if PACK_CONTENT == true
		    line [MAX_LINE_SIZE],
		    buf [MAX_SECTION_TAG],
			section = INVALID_SECTION,
			key [MAX_LINE_SIZE];

	    for (new i = 1; i < Sections.Count; ++i)
		#if PACK_CONTENT == true
	        strunpack (buf, Sections.Tag [i]);
	        if (!strcmp (buf, tag, !CaseSensitive))
	            section = i;
		    if (!strcmp (Sections.Tag [i], tag, !CaseSensitive))
	            section = i;

		if (section != INVALID_SECTION)
			entry = Sections.FirstEntry [section];
			while (entry != INVALID_ENTRY)
			    // Remove all entries under the current Sections.
		    #if PACK_CONTENT == true
		    	strunpack (line, Entries.Line [entry]);
			    DOF2::ParseLine (line, key, buf);
			    DOF2::ParseLine (Entries.Line [entry], key, buf);
			    DOF2::Unset (file, key, tag);
				entry = Entries.NextEntry [entry];

		    // Move the last tag to the position of the current tag. Creates a little mess.
		    Sections.Tag [section] = Sections.Tag [Sections.Count];
		    Sections.FirstEntry [section] = Sections.FirstEntry [Sections.Count];
		    Sections.LastEntry [section] = Sections.LastEntry [Sections.Count];

			// Adjust the tag IDs of the entries.
		    entry = Sections.FirstEntry [section];
		    while (entry != INVALID_ENTRY)
			#if MAX_SECTIONS >= 256
				Entries.Section [entry] = section;
		        Entries.Section {entry} = section;
		        entry = Entries.NextEntry [entry];
		    FileChanged = true;
		    return 1;
	return 0;

private DOF2::SearchEntry (key [], tag [], keybuf [], valbuf [], &pos, keybufsize = sizeof (keybuf), valbufsize = sizeof (valbuf))
	if (key [0] && Entries.Count)
	        entry = INVALID_ENTRY,
		#if PACK_CONTENT == true
	        line [MAX_LINE_SIZE],
	        buf [MAX_SECTION_TAG],

        h = DOF2::HashKey (key);
		l = 0;
		r = Entries.Count - 1;

		 * Binary search in a sorted list of entries in O(log n) time. This algorithm makes for example with 256 elements a maximum of ~8 steps until the entry is found if it exists.
		 * A sequential search would take up to 256 steps. That was the case in the first Double-O-Files script.
		while (l <= r)
		    if ((r - l) < 2)
		        if (h == SortedEntryList [l][0])
		            m = l;
			        entry = SortedEntryList [l][1];
				else if (r > l && h == SortedEntryList [r][0])
				    m = r;
				    entry = SortedEntryList [r][1];
		        m = l + (r - l) / 2;
			    if (h == SortedEntryList [m][0])
			        entry = SortedEntryList [m][1];
			    else if (h > SortedEntryList [m][0])
					l = m + 1;
				    r = m - 1;

		// Candidate found?
		if (entry != INVALID_ENTRY)
			// Check if it's the entry we want.
  		#if PACK_CONTENT == true
			strunpack (line, Entries.Line [entry]);
			DOF2::ParseLine (line, keybuf, valbuf, keybufsize, valbufsize);
		    strunpack (buf, Entries.Tag [entry]);
			if (!strcmp (keybuf, key, !CaseSensitive) && ((!tag [0] && !buf [0]) || (tag [0] && buf [0] && !strcmp (tag, buf, !CaseSensitive))))
			DOF2::ParseLine (Entries.Line [entry], keybuf, valbuf, keybufsize, valbufsize);
		    if (!strcmp (keybuf, key, !CaseSensitive) && ((!tag [0] && !Entries.Tag [entry][0]) || (tag [0] && Entries.Tag [entry][0] && !strcmp (tag, Entries.Tag [entry], !CaseSensitive))))
			    return (pos = m, entry);
			    // If not, look left and right in the list for entries with the same hash code. This can be collisions or entries with the same key from another section.
			    for (i = m - 1; i >= 0 && h == SortedEntryList [i][0]; --i)
			        entry = SortedEntryList [i][1];
			 	#if PACK_CONTENT == true
					strunpack (line, Entries.Line [entry]);
					DOF2::ParseLine (line, keybuf, valbuf, keybufsize, valbufsize);
				    strunpack (buf, Entries.Tag [entry]);
					if (!strcmp (keybuf, key, !CaseSensitive) && ((!tag [0] && !buf [0]) || (tag [0] && buf [0] && !strcmp (tag, buf, !CaseSensitive))))
					DOF2::ParseLine (Entries.Line [entry], keybuf, valbuf, keybufsize, valbufsize);
				    if (!strcmp (keybuf, key, !CaseSensitive) && ((!tag [0] && !Entries.Tag [entry][0]) || (tag [0] && Entries.Tag [entry][0] && !strcmp (tag, Entries.Tag [entry], !CaseSensitive))))
					    return (pos = i, entry);

			    for (i = m + 1; i < Entries.Count && h == SortedEntryList [i][0]; ++i)
			        entry = SortedEntryList [i][1];
			 	#if PACK_CONTENT == true
					strunpack (line, Entries.Line [entry]);
					DOF2::ParseLine (line, keybuf, valbuf, keybufsize, valbufsize);
				    strunpack (buf, Entries.Tag [entry]);
					if (!strcmp (keybuf, key, !CaseSensitive) && ((!tag [0] && !buf [0]) || (tag [0] && buf [0] && !strcmp (tag, buf, !CaseSensitive))))
					DOF2::ParseLine (Entries.Line [entry], keybuf, valbuf, keybufsize, valbufsize);
				    if (!strcmp (keybuf, key, !CaseSensitive) && ((!tag [0] && !Entries.Tag [entry][0]) || (tag [0] && Entries.Tag [entry][0] && !strcmp (tag, Entries.Tag [entry], !CaseSensitive))))
					    return (pos = i, entry);
	keybuf [0] = valbuf [0] = '\0';

stock DOF2::SetString (file [], key [], value [], tag [] = "")
    if (file [0] && key [0])
	        section = INVALID_SECTION,
	        keybuf [MAX_LINE_SIZE],
	        valbuf [MAX_LINE_SIZE],
		#if PACK_CONTENT == true
	        buf [MAX_SECTION_TAG],
	        line [MAX_LINE_SIZE],

        if (!CurrentFile [0] || strcmp (CurrentFile, file)) // No file in buffer or the file you want to read from is not the file in the buffer.
	    	if (!DOF2::ParseFile (file, -1, false))
	    	    return 0;

        entry = DOF2::SearchEntry (key, tag, keybuf, valbuf, pos);

        // If the entry has been found, just change it's content.
        if (entry != INVALID_ENTRY)
		    FileChanged = true;
		#if PACK_CONTENT == true
			format (line, sizeof (line), "%s = %s", key, value [0] ? value : ("(null)"));
		    return strpack (Entries.Line [entry], line);
			format (Entries.Line [entry], sizeof (Entries.Line []), "%s = %s", key, value [0] ? value : ("(null)"));
			return 1;

		if (Entries.Count >= MAX_ENTRIES)
		    return 0;

		// Search for the section where the entry belongs.
		if (!tag [0])
		    section = 0;
			for (i = 1; i < Sections.Count; ++i)
			#if PACK_CONTENT == true
			    strunpack (buf, Sections.Tag [i]);
			    if (buf [0] && !strcmp (tag, buf, !CaseSensitive))
			        section = i;
			    if (Sections.Tag [i][0] && !strcmp (tag, Sections.Tag [i], !CaseSensitive))
			        section = i;

		// Section we want does not exist, create new one if possible.
		if (section == INVALID_SECTION)
		    if (Sections.Count >= MAX_SECTIONS)
		        return 0;

		    section = Sections.Count++;
	    #if PACK_CONTENT == true
			strpack (Sections.Tag [section], tag);
		    DOF2::strcpy (Sections.Tag [section], tag);
			Sections.FirstEntry [section] = Sections.LastEntry [section] = INVALID_ENTRY;

		// Add the entry to the section. Section's content is defined by a linear two way list.
	#if PACK_CONTENT == true
		format (line, sizeof (line), "%s = %s", key, value [0] ? value : ("(null)"));
		strpack (Entries.Line [Entries.Count], line);
	    format (Entries.Line [Entries.Count], sizeof (Entries.Line []), "%s = %s", key, value [0] ? value : ("(null)"));
		Entries.Tag [Entries.Count] = Sections.Tag [section];
    #if MAX_SECTIONS >= 256
		Entries.Section [Entries.Count] = section;
	    Entries.Section {Entries.Count} = section;
		Entries.NextEntry [Entries.Count] = INVALID_ENTRY;

		// Add entry to sorted list of entries and move to right correct position in O(n) time.
		SortedEntryList [Entries.Count][0] = DOF2::HashKey (key);
		SortedEntryList [Entries.Count][1] = Entries.Count;
		i = Entries.Count - 1;
		while (i >= 0 && SortedEntryList [i][0] > SortedEntryList [i + 1][0])
		    DOF2::SwapSortedEntries (SortedEntryList [i], SortedEntryList [i + 1]);

		if (Sections.LastEntry [section] == INVALID_ENTRY) // No entry in this section.
		    Sections.FirstEntry [section] = Sections.LastEntry [section] = Entries.Count;
		    Entries.PreviousEntry [Entries.Count] = INVALID_ENTRY;
			Entries.NextEntry [Sections.LastEntry [section]] = Entries.Count;
			Entries.PreviousEntry [Entries.Count] = Sections.LastEntry [section];
			Sections.LastEntry [section] = Entries.Count;
		FileChanged = true;
	return 1;

stock DOF2::GetString (file [], key [], tag [] = "")
	new buf [MAX_LINE_SIZE];
	DOF2::GetStringEx (file, key, buf, sizeof (buf), tag);
	return buf;

stock DOF2::GetStringEx (file [], key [], result [], size, tag [] = "")
	if (file [0] && key [0])
			keybuf [MAX_LINE_SIZE];

        if (!CurrentFile [0] || strcmp (CurrentFile, file))
	    	if (!DOF2::ParseFile (file, -1, false))
	    	    result [0] = '\0';
	    	    return 0;

		// Find entry and assign the result with it's value.
		return (DOF2::SearchEntry (key, tag, keybuf, result, pos, sizeof (keybuf), size) != INVALID_ENTRY);
	return 0;

stock DOF2::Unset (file [], key [], tag [] = "")
	if (file [0] && key [0])
			keybuf [MAX_LINE_SIZE],
			valbuf [MAX_LINE_SIZE];

		if (!CurrentFile [0] || strcmp (CurrentFile, file))
	    	if (!DOF2::ParseFile (file, -1, false))
	    	    return 0;

		if ((entry = DOF2::SearchEntry (key, tag, keybuf, valbuf, pos)) != INVALID_ENTRY)
		    // Remove entry from it's section.
        #if MAX_SECTIONS >= 256
		    if (Sections.FirstEntry [Entries.Section [entry]] == entry) // Is the entry the first entry in the section? Make it's next entry the first entry.
		    if (Sections.FirstEntry [Entries.Section {entry}] == entry)
			#if MAX_SECTIONS >= 256
		        Sections.FirstEntry [Entries.Section [entry]] = Entries.NextEntry [entry];
			    Sections.FirstEntry [Entries.Section {entry}] = Entries.NextEntry [entry];
		        if (Entries.NextEntry [entry] != INVALID_ENTRY)
					Entries.PreviousEntry [Entries.NextEntry [entry]] = INVALID_ENTRY;
			    Entries.NextEntry [Entries.PreviousEntry [entry]] = Entries.NextEntry [entry];
			    if (Entries.NextEntry [entry] != INVALID_ENTRY)
					Entries.PreviousEntry [Entries.NextEntry [entry]] = Entries.PreviousEntry [entry];

        #if MAX_SECTIONS >= 256
            if (Sections.LastEntry [Entries.Section [entry]] == entry)
			if (Sections.LastEntry [Entries.Section {entry}] == entry)
			#if MAX_SECTIONS >= 256
			    Sections.LastEntry [Entries.Section [entry]] = Entries.PreviousEntry [entry];
			    Sections.LastEntry [Entries.Section {entry}] = Entries.PreviousEntry [entry];
			    if (Entries.PreviousEntry [entry] != INVALID_ENTRY)
			        Entries.NextEntry [Entries.PreviousEntry [entry]] = INVALID_ENTRY;
			    Entries.PreviousEntry [Entries.NextEntry [entry]] = Entries.PreviousEntry [entry];
			    if (Entries.PreviousEntry [entry] != INVALID_ENTRY)
			        Entries.NextEntry [Entries.PreviousEntry [entry]] = Entries.NextEntry [entry];

			// Move the entry to the end of the sorted list and decrement Entries.Count to forget about the unset Entries.
			while (pos < (Entries.Count - 1))
			    DOF2::SwapSortedEntries (SortedEntryList [pos], SortedEntryList [pos + 1]);
			FileChanged = true;
		    return 1;
	return 0;

stock DOF2::RenameKey (file [], oldkey [], newkey [], tag [] = "")
	if (file [0] && oldkey [0])
		#if PACK_CONTENT == true
			line [MAX_LINE_SIZE],
			keybuf [MAX_LINE_SIZE],
			valbuf [MAX_LINE_SIZE];

		if (!CurrentFile [0] || strcmp (CurrentFile, file))
	    	if (!DOF2::ParseFile (file, -1, false))
	    	    return 0;

		if ((entry = DOF2::SearchEntry (oldkey, tag, keybuf, valbuf, pos)) != INVALID_ENTRY)
		    // Change content of Entries.
		#if PACK_CONTENT == true
            format (line, sizeof (line), "%s = %s", newkey, valbuf [0] ? valbuf : ("(null)"));
		    strpack (Entries.Line [entry], line);
            format (Entries.Line [entry], sizeof (Entries.Line []), "%s = %s", newkey, valbuf [0] ? valbuf : ("(null)"));

		    // Because the hashcode has been changed, the entry has to move in the list.
		    SortedEntryList [pos][0] = DOF2::HashKey (newkey);
		    if (pos < (MAX_ENTRIES - 1) && SortedEntryList [pos][0] > SortedEntryList [pos + 1][0])
				// Hash value of key is greater than the hash value of it's right neighbor, move to the right by swapping the 2 entries.
				while (pos < (MAX_ENTRIES - 1) && SortedEntryList [pos][0] > SortedEntryList [pos + 1][0])
				    DOF2::SwapSortedEntries (SortedEntryList [pos], SortedEntryList [pos + 1]);
		    else if (pos > 0 && SortedEntryList [pos][0] < SortedEntryList [pos + 1][0])
		        // Hash value of key is smaller than the hash value of it' left neighbor, move to the left by swapping the 2 entries.
		        while (pos > 0 && SortedEntryList [pos][0] < SortedEntryList [pos - 1][0])
		            DOF2::SwapSortedEntries (SortedEntryList [pos], SortedEntryList [pos - 1]);

			FileChanged = true;
		    return 1;
	return 0;

stock bool: DOF2::IsSet (file [], key [], tag [] = "")
		keybuf [MAX_LINE_SIZE],
		valbuf [MAX_LINE_SIZE];

	if (!CurrentFile [0] || strcmp (CurrentFile, file))
		if (!DOF2::ParseFile (file, -1, false))
		    return false;

	// Try to find the Entries.
	return (DOF2::SearchEntry (key, tag, keybuf, valbuf, pos) != INVALID_ENTRY);

stock DOF2::SetInt (file [], key [], value, tag [] = "")
	new buf [16];
	format (buf, sizeof (buf), "%d", value);
	return DOF2::SetString (file, key, buf, tag);

stock DOF2::GetInt (file [], key [], tag [] = "")
	new buf [16];
	DOF2::GetStringEx (file, key, buf, sizeof (buf), tag);
	return strval (buf);

stock DOF2::SetHex (file [], key [], value, tag [] = "")
	new buf [16];
	DOF2::hexstr (value, buf);
	return DOF2::SetString (file, key, buf, tag);

stock DOF2::GetHex (file [], key [], tag [] = "")
	new buf [16];
	DOF2::GetStringEx (file, key, buf, sizeof (buf), tag);
	return DOF2::strhex (buf);

stock DOF2::SetBin (file [], key [], value, tag [] = "")
	new buf [35];
	DOF2::binstr (value, buf);
	return DOF2::SetString (file, key, buf, tag);

stock DOF2::GetBin (file [], key [], tag [] = "")
	new buf [35];
	DOF2::GetStringEx (file, key, buf, sizeof (buf), tag);
	return DOF2::strbin (buf);

stock DOF2::SetFloat (file [], key [], Float: value, tag [] = "")
	new buf [32];
	format (buf, sizeof (buf), "%.8f", value);
	return DOF2::SetString (file, key, buf, tag);

stock Float: DOF2::GetFloat (file [], key [], tag [] = "")
	new buf [32];
	DOF2::GetStringEx (file, key, buf, sizeof (buf), tag);
	return floatstr (buf);

stock bool: DOF2::GetBool (file [], key [], tag [] = "")
	new buf [16];
	DOF2::GetStringEx (file, key, buf, sizeof (buf), tag);
	return (strval (buf) || (buf [0] && !strcmp (buf, "true", true)));

stock DOF2::SetBool (file [], key [], bool: value, tag [] = "")
	return DOF2::SetString (file, key, value ? ("true") : ("false"), tag);

stock DOF2::PrintFile (comment [] = "")
    if (CurrentFile [0])
			bool: firstline = true,
		#if PACK_CONTENT == true
			buf [MAX_LINE_SIZE],

	    printf ("[DOF] Current file: %s", CurrentFile);
		for ( ; i < Sections.Count; ++i)
		    if (i)
			    if (!firstline)
					print (" ");
				    firstline = false;
			#if PACK_CONTENT == true
				strunpack (buf, Sections.Tag [i]);
				printf ("[%s]", buf);
			    printf ("[%s]", Sections.Tag [i]);
			entry = Sections.FirstEntry [i];
			while (entry != INVALID_ENTRY)
			#if PACK_CONTENT == true
				strunpack (buf, Entries.Line [entry]);
				print (buf);
			    print (Entries.Line [entry]);
			    entry = Entries.NextEntry [entry];
			    firstline = false;
		printf ("* %d sections, %d entries", i, entries);
		if (comment [0])
			printf ("* Comment: %s", comment);
		return 1;
	return 0;

stock DOF2::WriteFile ()
	if (CurrentFile [0])
			File: f = fopen (CurrentFile, io_write),
			bool: firstline = true,

		if (f)
			for (new i; i < Sections.Count; ++i)
			    if (Sections.FirstEntry [i] != INVALID_ENTRY) // Do not write when empty.
				    if (i)
					    if (!firstline)
							fputchar (f, '\r', UseUTF8);
							fputchar (f, '\n', UseUTF8);
						    firstline = false;
						fputchar (f, '[', UseUTF8);
						fwritechars (f, Sections.Tag [i]);
						fputchar (f, ']', UseUTF8);
						fputchar (f, '\r', UseUTF8);
						fputchar (f, '\n', UseUTF8);

					entry = Sections.FirstEntry [i];
					while (entry != INVALID_ENTRY)
					    fwritechars (f, Entries.Line [entry]);
					    fputchar (f, '\r', UseUTF8);
					    fputchar (f, '\n', UseUTF8);
					    entry = Entries.NextEntry [entry];
					    firstline = false;
			FileChanged = false;
			return fclose (f);
	return 0;

stock DOF2::ParseFile (file [], extraid = -1, bool: callback = false)
    if (file [0] && DOF2::FileExists (file))
	    Write the file in the buffer when:
	    - There is actually a file in the buffer
	    - The file in the buffer is not the file you want to parse and this file has been changed.
	    - Or the current file is the file you want to and has been changed.
	    //if (CurrentFile [0] && ((strcmp (CurrentFile, file) && FileChanged) || FileChanged))
	    if (CurrentFile [0] && FileChanged) // Equal to the query above but shorter.
	    	DOF2::WriteFile ();

			File: f = fopen (file, io_readwrite),
		    buf [MAX_LINE_SIZE],
		#if PACK_CONTENT == true
		    line [MAX_LINE_SIZE char],
		    tag [MAX_SECTION_TAG],
		    line [MAX_LINE_SIZE],
		    key [MAX_LINE_SIZE],
		    value [MAX_LINE_SIZE],

		if (f)
			FileChanged = false;
            DOF2::SetFile (file);

			Sections.Count = 1;
			Entries.Count = 0;
			Sections.FirstEntry [0] = Sections.LastEntry [0] = INVALID_ENTRY;

			for (new i, size = flength (f); i < size; ++i)
			    c = fgetchar (f, 0, UseUTF8);
				if (pos == MAX_LINE_SIZE - 1 || c == '\n' || c == '\r')
				    c = '\0';
			#if PACK_CONTENT == true
				line {pos++} = c;
			    line [pos++] = c;

				if (c == '\0')
				    // A new section found. Add the section to the list of sections.
				#if PACK_CONTENT == true
				    if (line {0} == '[')
                	if (line [0] == '[')
				        if (Sections.Count < MAX_SECTIONS)
							pos = 1;
						#if PACK_CONTENT == true
							while (line {pos} && line {pos} != ']' && (pos - 1) < MAX_SECTION_TAG)
								Sections.Tag [Sections.Count]{pos - 1} = line {pos};
							Sections.Tag [Sections.Count]{pos - 1} = '\0';
						    while (line [pos] && line [pos] != ']' && (pos - 1) < MAX_SECTION_TAG)
								Sections.Tag [Sections.Count][pos - 1] = line [pos];
							Sections.Tag [Sections.Count][pos - 1] = '\0';
							Sections.FirstEntry [Sections.Count] = Sections.LastEntry [Sections.Count] = INVALID_ENTRY;
					#if PACK_CONTENT == true
				        if (line {0})
					    if (line [0])
				        #if PACK_CONTENT == true
							strunpack (buf, line);
					        DOF2::ParseLine (buf, key, value);
					        strunpack (tag, Sections.Tag [Sections.Count - 1]);

							// Call a specific function for a specific entry - ZCMD-style!
					        if (callback)
						        format (buf, sizeof (buf), "_OnParseFile_%s_%s", tag, key);
						        if (!CallRemoteFunction (buf, "is", extraid, value))
									CallRemoteFunction ("_OnDefaultParseFile", "issss", extraid, value [0] ? value : ("\1"), key, Sections.Tag [Sections.Count - 1][0] ? Sections.Tag [Sections.Count - 1] : ("\1"), file);
					        DOF2::ParseLine (line, key, value);

							// Call a specific function for a specific entry - ZCMD-style!
					        if (callback)
						        format (buf, sizeof (buf), "_OnParseFile_%s_%s", Sections.Tag [Sections.Count - 1], key);
						        if (!CallRemoteFunction (buf, "is", extraid, value))
									CallRemoteFunction ("_OnDefaultParseFile", "issss", extraid, value [0] ? value : ("\1"), key, Sections.Tag [Sections.Count - 1][0] ? Sections.Tag [Sections.Count - 1] : ("\1"), file);

							// Add entry to it's section and to the list which will be sorted.
							Entries.Line [Entries.Count] = line;
							Entries.Tag [Entries.Count] = Sections.Tag [Sections.Count - 1];
                        #if MAX_SECTIONS >= 256
							Entries.Section [Entries.Count] = Sections.Count - 1;
							Entries.Section {Entries.Count} = Sections.Count - 1;
							Entries.NextEntry [Entries.Count] = INVALID_ENTRY;

							SortedEntryList [Entries.Count][0] = DOF2::HashKey (key);
							SortedEntryList [Entries.Count][1] = Entries.Count;

							if (Sections.LastEntry [Sections.Count - 1] == INVALID_ENTRY)
							    Sections.FirstEntry [Sections.Count - 1] = Sections.LastEntry [Sections.Count - 1] = Entries.Count;
							    Entries.PreviousEntry [Entries.Count] = INVALID_ENTRY;
								Entries.NextEntry [Sections.LastEntry [Sections.Count - 1]] = Entries.Count;
								Entries.PreviousEntry [Entries.Count] = Sections.LastEntry [Sections.Count - 1];
								Sections.LastEntry [Sections.Count - 1] = Entries.Count;
				    pos = 0;
			 * Sort list of entries by it's hashcodes in O(n * log n) time.
			 * (Worst case is actually O(n * n), however, this QuickSort implementation chooses a randomized pivot
			 * to minimize the chance for the worst case.)
			DOF2::SortEntries (SortedEntryList, 0, Entries.Count - 1, true);
			return fclose (f);
	return 0;

// Rather useless.
stock DOF2::ReparseFile (file [], extraid, bool: callback = true)
	if (file [0] && CurrentFile [0] && !strcmp (file, CurrentFile))
	    CurrentFile [0] = '\0';
		return DOF2::ParseFile (file, extraid, callback);
	return 0;

private DOF2::ParseLine (line [], key [], value [], keysize = sizeof (key), valuesize = sizeof (value))

	if ((pos = charfind (line, '=')) != -1)
	    // Read key and value.
	    readpos = pos - 1;
		while (readpos >= 0 && line [readpos] == ' ')

		if (readpos >= 0 && keysize > (readpos + 1))
			key [readpos + 1] = '\0';
			while (readpos >= 0)
				key [readpos] = line [readpos];
		    return 0;

		readpos = pos + 1;
		while (line [readpos] == ' ')

        if (line [readpos])
		    while (readpos >= 0 && line [readpos] && valuesize > (readpos - pos + 1))
				value [readpos - pos] = line [readpos];
			value [readpos - pos] = '\0';
		    key [0] = value [0] = '\0';
		    return 0;
		if (!strcmp (value, "(null)", true))
		    value [0] = '\0';
		return 1;
	key [0] = value [0] = '\0';
	return 0;

stock DOF2::File (user [])
	new newfile [MAX_FILE_SIZE];
	format (newfile, sizeof (newfile), USER_FILE_PATH, DOF2::udb_encode (user));
	return newfile;

stock bool: DOF2::CheckLogin (file [], password [])
	return (file [0] && password [0] && DOF2::num_hash (password) == DOF2::GetInt (file, USER_PW_HASH_KEY));


stock DOF2::binstr (value, dest [], size = sizeof (dest))
	new buf [32 + 3] = "0b";
	for (new i = 0; i < 32; ++i)
	    buf [i + 2] = '0' + ((value >>> (31 - i)) & 1);

	DOF2::strcpy (dest, buf, size);
	//format (dest, size, "0b%b", value);

stock DOF2::hexstr (value, dest [], size = sizeof (dest))
	static const characters [] =
	    '0', '1', '2', '3',
	    '4', '5', '6', '7',
	    '8', '9', 'A', 'B',
	    'C', 'D', 'E', 'F'
	new buf [8 + 3] = "0x";
	for (new i = 0; i < 8; ++i)
		buf [2 + i] = characters [(value >>> ((7 - i) << 2)) & 0x0F];

	DOF2::strcpy (dest, buf, size);
	//format (dest, size, "0x%x", value);

stock DOF2::strhex (string [])
	if (string [0] == '0' && (string [1] == 'x' || string [1] == 'X'))
		i = 2;

    while (string [i])
		value <<= 4;
		switch (string [i])
		    case '0' .. '9':
		        value |= string [i] - '0';

			case 'A' .. 'F':
			    value |= string [i] - 'A' + 10;

            case 'a' .. 'f':
			    value |= string [i] - 'a' + 10;

			    return 0;
    return value;

stock DOF2::strbin (string [])

	if (string [0] == '0' && (string [1] == 'b' || string [1] == 'B'))
	    i = 2;

	while (string [i])
	    if (string [i] != '1' && string [i] != '0')
	        return 0;

		value <<= 1;
		value |= (string [i] - '0');
	return value;


private charfind (string [], c)
	for (new i, len = strlen (string); i < len; ++i)
		if (string [i] == c)
		    return i;
	return -1;

private fwritechars (File: handle, c [])
    new pos;
#if PACK_CONTENT == true
	while (c {pos})
	    fputchar (handle, c {pos++}, UseUTF8);
    while (c [pos])
	    fputchar (handle, c [pos++], UseUTF8);

private DOF2::SortEntries (entries [][2], l, r, bool: randomize = true)
	if (r > l)
		if (randomize)
			new k = l + (random (65535) % (r - l + 1));
		  	DOF2::SwapSortedEntries (entries [k], entries [r]);

			i = l - 1,
			j = r,
			pivot = entries [r][0];

		while (i < j)
			while (entries [i][0] <= pivot && i < r);

			while (entries [j][0] >= pivot && j > l);

			if (i < j)
			    DOF2::SwapSortedEntries (entries [i], entries [j]);
		DOF2::SwapSortedEntries (entries [i], entries [r]);
		DOF2::SortEntries (entries, l, i - 1, randomize);
		DOF2::SortEntries (entries, i + 1, r, randomize);

private DOF2::SwapSortedEntries (a [2], b [2])
 	new c [2];
	c [0] = a [0];
	c [1] = a [1];
	a [0] = b [0];
	a [1] = b [1];
	b [0] = c [0];
	b [1] = c [1];

stock DOF2::SortAllSections (file [], bool: ignorecase = true, bool: ascending = true)
    if (file [0])
	    if (!CurrentFile [0] || strcmp (CurrentFile, file)) // No file in buffer or the file you want to read from is not the file in the buffer.
	    	if (!DOF2::ParseFile (file, -1, false))
	    	    return 0;

			entries [MAX_ENTRIES],
			key [MAX_LINE_SIZE],
			value [MAX_LINE_SIZE],
	    #if PACK_CONTENT == true
			line [MAX_LINE_SIZE],

		for (new section = 0; section < Sections.Count; ++section)
		    i = 0;
			entry = Sections.FirstEntry [section];
			while (entry != INVALID_ENTRY)
	        #if PACK_CONTENT == true
		    	strunpack (line, Entries.Line [entry]);
			    DOF2::ParseLine (line, key, value);
			    DOF2::ParseLine (Entries.Line [entry], key, value);
			    keys [i][0] = '\0';
			    strcat (keys [i], key);
			    entries [i] = entry;
			    entry = Entries.NextEntry [entry];

			if (i > 0)
				DOF2::SortSection_Internal (section, entries, keys, 0, i - 1, ignorecase, ascending);
		return 1;
	return 0;

stock DOF2::SortSection (file [], tag [], bool: ignorecase = true, bool: ascending = true)
	if (file [0])
	    if (!CurrentFile [0] || strcmp (CurrentFile, file)) // No file in buffer or the file you want to read from is not the file in the buffer.
	    	if (!DOF2::ParseFile (file, -1, false))
	    	    return 0;

		    section = INVALID_SECTION,
			entries [MAX_ENTRIES],
			key [MAX_LINE_SIZE],
			buf [MAX_LINE_SIZE],
	    #if PACK_CONTENT == true
			line [MAX_LINE_SIZE],

		if (!tag [0])
			section = 0;
			for (i = 1; i < Sections.Count; ++i)
			#if PACK_CONTENT == true
			    strunpack (buf, Sections.Tag [i]);
			    if (buf [0] && !strcmp (tag, buf, !CaseSensitive))
			        section = i;
			    if (Sections.Tag [i][0] && !strcmp (tag, Sections.Tag [i], !CaseSensitive))
			        section = i;

		if (section != INVALID_SECTION)
		    i = 0;
			entry = Sections.FirstEntry [section];
			while (entry != INVALID_ENTRY)
	        #if PACK_CONTENT == true
		    	strunpack (line, Entries.Line [entry]);
			    DOF2::ParseLine (line, key, buf);
			    DOF2::ParseLine (Entries.Line [entry], key, buf);
			    keys [i][0] = '\0';
			    strcat (keys [i], key);
			    entries [i] = entry;
			    entry = Entries.NextEntry [entry];

			if (i > 0)
				DOF2::SortSection_Internal (section, entries, keys, 0, i - 1, ignorecase, ascending);
		    	return 1;
	return 0;

private DOF2::SortSection_Internal (section, entries [], keys [][], l, r, bool: ignorecase = true, bool: ascending = true)
	// Entries must be stored into an array...
    if (0 <= section < Sections.Count && r > l)
            i = l - 1,
            j = r,
			buf [MAX_LINE_SIZE];

            pivot [MAX_LINE_SIZE]; // Must be static, otherwise too much memory usage during recursion ==> Script will crash!

        pivot [0] = '\0';
        strcat (pivot, keys [r]);

        while (i < j)
            if (ascending)
                while (strcmp (keys [i], pivot,  ignorecase) <= 0 && i < r);

                while (strcmp (keys [j], pivot, ignorecase) >= 0 && j > l);
                while (strcmp (keys [i], pivot,  ignorecase) >= 0 && i < r);

                while (strcmp (keys [j], pivot, ignorecase) <= 0 && j > l);

            if (i < j)
                DOF2::SwapEntries (section, entries [i], entries [j]);

				DOF2::strcpy (buf, keys [i]);
				DOF2::strcpy (keys [i], keys [j], MAX_LINE_SIZE);
				DOF2::strcpy (keys [j], buf, MAX_LINE_SIZE);

				entries [i] ^= entries [j];
                entries [j] ^= entries [i];
                entries [i] ^= entries [j];

        if (i != r)
            DOF2::SwapEntries (section, entries [i], entries [r]);

            DOF2::strcpy (buf, keys [i]);
			DOF2::strcpy (keys [i], keys [r], MAX_LINE_SIZE);
			DOF2::strcpy (keys [r], buf, MAX_LINE_SIZE);

            entries [i] ^= entries [r];
            entries [r] ^= entries [i];
            entries [i] ^= entries [r];

        DOF2::SortSection_Internal (section, entries, keys, l, i - 1, ignorecase, ascending);
        DOF2::SortSection_Internal (section, entries, keys, i + 1, r, ignorecase, ascending);

private DOF2::SwapEntries (section, entry1, entry2)
	// This swaps two entries in the entry list of a section. (Pointers are swapped)
	if (0 <= section < Sections.Count && 0 <= entry1 <= Entries.Count && 0 <= entry2 <= Entries.Count)
	    if (entry1 == Sections.FirstEntry [section])
		    Sections.FirstEntry [section] = entry2;
		else if (entry2 == Sections.FirstEntry [section])
		    Sections.FirstEntry [section] = entry1;

	    if (entry1 == Sections.LastEntry [section])
		    Sections.LastEntry [section] = entry2;
		else if (entry2 == Sections.LastEntry [section])
		    Sections.LastEntry [section] = entry1;

		if (Entries.NextEntry [entry1] == entry2)
		    Entries.NextEntry [entry1] = Entries.NextEntry [entry2];
		    Entries.PreviousEntry [entry2] = Entries.PreviousEntry [entry1];

		    if (Entries.PreviousEntry [entry1] != INVALID_ENTRY)
		        Entries.NextEntry [Entries.PreviousEntry [entry1]] = entry2;

	        if (Entries.NextEntry [entry2] != INVALID_ENTRY)
		        Entries.PreviousEntry [Entries.NextEntry [entry2]] = entry1;

		    Entries.NextEntry [entry2] = entry1;
		    Entries.PreviousEntry [entry1] = entry2;
		else if (Entries.NextEntry [entry2] == entry1)
		    Entries.NextEntry [entry2] = Entries.NextEntry [entry1];
		    Entries.PreviousEntry [entry1] = Entries.PreviousEntry [entry2];

		    if (Entries.PreviousEntry [entry2] != INVALID_ENTRY)
		        Entries.NextEntry [Entries.PreviousEntry [entry2]] = entry1;

	        if (Entries.NextEntry [entry1] != INVALID_ENTRY)
		        Entries.PreviousEntry [Entries.NextEntry [entry1]] = entry2;

		    Entries.NextEntry [entry1] = entry2;
		    Entries.PreviousEntry [entry2] = entry1;
		    new pointer;

			if (Entries.PreviousEntry [entry1] != INVALID_ENTRY)
			    Entries.NextEntry [Entries.PreviousEntry [entry1]] = entry2;

		    if (Entries.NextEntry [entry1] != INVALID_ENTRY)
			    Entries.PreviousEntry [Entries.NextEntry [entry1]] = entry2;

			if (Entries.PreviousEntry [entry2] != INVALID_ENTRY)
			    Entries.NextEntry [Entries.PreviousEntry [entry2]] = entry1;

		    if (Entries.NextEntry [entry2] != INVALID_ENTRY)
			    Entries.PreviousEntry [Entries.NextEntry [entry2]] = entry1;

			pointer = Entries.NextEntry [entry1];
			Entries.NextEntry [entry1] = Entries.NextEntry [entry2];
			Entries.NextEntry [entry2] = pointer;

			pointer = Entries.PreviousEntry [entry1];
			Entries.PreviousEntry [entry1] = Entries.PreviousEntry [entry2];
			Entries.PreviousEntry [entry2] = pointer;
	    return 1;
	return 0;

private DOF2::HashKey (key [])
		h = -1,

	if (CaseSensitive)
		while ((j = key [i++]))
			h = h * 33 + j;
	    while ((j = tolower (key [i++])))
	        h = h * 33 + j;
	return h;


stock DOF2::strcpy (dest [], const src [], size = sizeof (dest))
	dest [0] = '\0';
	strcat (dest, src, size);

// Replace [oldstr] with [newstr] in [srcstr] and copy write the new string to 'deststr'.

stock DOF2::strreplace (const newstr [], const oldstr [], const srcstr [], deststr [], bool: ignorecase = false, size = sizeof (deststr))
	    newlen = strlen (newstr),
	    oldlen = strlen (oldstr),
	    srclen = strlen (srcstr),

	for (new i = 0; i < srclen; ++i)
	    if (idx < (size - 1))
		    if ((i + oldlen) <= srclen)
		        if (!strcmp (srcstr [i], oldstr, ignorecase, oldlen))
					deststr [idx] = '\0';
					strcat (deststr, newstr, size);
					idx += newlen;
					i += oldlen - 1;
					deststr [idx++] = srcstr [i];
		    	deststr [idx++] = srcstr [i];
		    return rep;
	deststr [idx] = '\0';
	return rep;

stock DOF2::udb_encode (nickname [])
		buf [256],
		result [256];

	static const symbols [][2][] =
	    {"_", "_00"},
		{";", "_01"},
		{"!", "_02"},
		{"/", "_03"},
		{"\\", "_04"},
		{"[", "_05"},
		{"]", "_06"},
		{"?", "_07"},
		{".", "_08"},
		{"*", "_09"},
		{"<", "_10"},
		{">", "_11"},
		{"{", "_12"},
		{"}", "_13"},
		{" ", "_14"},
		{"\"", "_15"},
		{":", "_16"},
		{"|", "_17"},
		{"=", "_18"}

	strcat (buf, nickname);
	for (new i = 0; i < sizeof (symbols); ++i)
	    DOF2::strreplace (symbols [i][1], symbols [i][0], buf, result);
	    DOF2::strcpy (buf, result);
	return result;

stock DOF2::udb_decode (nickname [])
		buf [256],
		result [256];

	static const symbols [][2][] =
	    {"_", "_00"},
		{";", "_01"},
		{"!", "_02"},
		{"/", "_03"},
		{"\\", "_04"},
		{"[", "_05"},
		{"]", "_06"},
		{"?", "_07"},
		{".", "_08"},
		{"*", "_09"},
		{"<", "_10"},
		{">", "_11"},
		{"{", "_12"},
		{"}", "_13"},
		{" ", "_14"},
		{"\"", "_15"},
		{":", "_16"},
		{"|", "_17"},
		{"=", "_18"}

	strcat (buf, nickname);
	for (new i = 0; i < sizeof (symbols); ++i)
	    DOF2::strreplace (symbols [i][0], symbols [i][1], buf, result);
	    DOF2::strcpy (buf, result);
	return result;

stock DOF2::num_hash (buf [])
		length = strlen (buf),
    	s1 = 1,
    	s2 = 0,

    for (n = 0; n < length; n++)
       s1 = (s1 + buf [n]) % 65521;
       s2 = (s2 + s1) % 65521;
    return (s2 << 16) + s1;


#if defined DUDB_CONVERT

	#tryinclude <dutils>

	#define dUser(%0).( 			DOF2_GetString(DOF2_File(%0),
	#define dUserSet(%0).( 			DOF2_SetString(DOF2_File(%0),
	#define dUserINT(%0).( 			DOF2_GetInt(DOF2_File(%0),
	#define dUserSetINT(%0).( 		DOF2_SetInt(DOF2_File(%0),
	#define dUserFLOAT(%0).( 		DOF2_GetFloat(DOF2_File(%0),
	#define dUserSetFLOAT(%0).( 	DOF2_SetFloat(DOF2_File(%0),
	#define udb_Create(%0,%1)		DOF2_CreateFile(DOF2_File(%0),%1)
	#define udb_RenameUser(%0,%1)   DOF2_RenameFile(DOF2_File(%0),DOF2_File(%1))
	#define udb_Exists(%0)          DOF2_FileExists(DOF2_File(%0))
	#define udb_Remove(%0)          DOF2_RemoveFile(DOF2_File(%0))
	#define udb_CheckLogin(%0,%1)   DOF2_CheckLogin(DOF2_File(%0),%1)

	#if !defined _dudb_included
		#define _dudb_included


#if defined DINI_CONVERT

	#define dini_Exists		        DOF2_FileExists
	#define dini_Remove         	DOF2_RemoveFile
	#define dini_Create         	DOF2_CreateFile
	#define dini_Set			    DOF2_SetString
	#define dini_Get         		DOF2_GetString
	#define dini_IntSet   			DOF2_SetInt
	#define dini_Int         		DOF2_GetInt
	#define dini_BoolSet            DOF2_SetBool
	#define dini_Bool               DOF2_GetBool
	#define dini_FloatSet 			DOF2_SetFloat
	#define dini_Float      		DOF2_GetFloat
	#define dini_Unset       		DOF2_Unset
	#define dini_Isset       		DOF2_IsSet

	#if !defined _dini_included
		#define _dini_included


#if defined DINI_CONVERT || defined DUDB_CONVERT

	#define udb_hash            	DOF2_num_hash
	#define num_hash            	DOF2_num_hash
	#define udb_encode              DOF2_udb_encode
	#define udb_decode              DOF2_udb_decode


Luciano* nгo pegou

Cara... vocк deve estar colocando a include na pasta errado, Pois como ali diz, nгo foi encontrada, Provavelmente jб que estas usando algo diferente do pawno, Confundistes a pasta.

Se fosse include desatualizado apareceria outro erro, ao invйs deste.

cara eu ja baixei um GF Edit antigamente que dava esse mesmo erro... e eu mesmo baixando a nova DOF2 dava mesmo erro sempre , deve ser algo no gm pra n deixar compilar algo assim :S

Nгo ta dando ja vi isso. Eentгo se aguem tiver pronto por favor me passa ??

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