Players Right

Like we all know, In many server Players get abused by admin. I Saw most of people getting Mad because of getting Ban/Kick Abuse by admins. There should be a Group for Players Rights and should be some member in that group who will Fight for their Rights whenever they see it happening. And if the admin/owner disagree from us Then we can't report the server here. This can help people too much because Many admins got attitude as you all know.

Please Vote your Decision Yes / No
Thank you,

No. It won't work, that's why.

Either way, just move to another server if you're getting mad because of it. A server with abusive admins isn't worth your player count.

Oh So you mean, we should let them abuse us and then move to another server just because You are insulted/abused by admins? That isn't cool

Originally Posted by Ankit
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Oh So you mean, we should let them abuse us and then move to another server just because You are insulted/abused by admins? That isn't cool
How exactly are they abusing you ?

If you get 'abused' by an admin, tell the server owner. If they do nothing about it join a different server.

First, 'abuse' isn't a very clear word. Everybody has another opinion about the meaning of it. Some people are judging everything as 'abuse', and other's are more careful in linking this word to admin actions.

Second, people who get punished are more likely to claim the admin is abusing. Even when he has done nothing wrong. People are just crybabies when they get punished. 'WAAAAH NO IT ISN'T MY FAULT HE IS FCKING ABUSING!'

Third, consider a server as someone's house. If you don't like the rules there, leave. In real life cops won't close the house cause you complained.

Your whole thread doesn't make sense, please think about the things I posted before you post such an idea again.

You don't have rights. You only have privileges. The server owners pay money to run THEIR servers so YOU can play on it! They don't get anything in return. The server owner and his staff therefor have the RIGHT to take your PRIVILEGES away at any time and for any reason.

Originally Posted by Ankit
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Oh So you mean, we should let them abuse us and then move to another server just because You are insulted/abused by admins? That isn't cool
You can't do anything about it. Even with what you suggested. What will you do, blacklist a server because they once /kick'ed someone randomly? That's the only consequence you can give to any SAMP server.

You're missing my point. On a server with abusive admins, it's not fun to play. So try finding another server where it actually IS fun.

You can indeed report admins to the server owners. But if the server owner himself abuses...there's pretty much nothing you can do.

Originally Posted by MP2
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If you get 'abused' by an admin, tell the server owner. If they do nothing about it join a different server.

Originally Posted by Ankit
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Oh So you mean, we should let them abuse us and then move to another server just because You are insulted/abused by admins? That isn't cool
Well actually its completely allowed what they do as it is their server, it just won't get them a lot of players.
No reason to stay there though, just go somewhere else.

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