I Need some help

Iam Creating FreeRoam Stunt Server

But how can i change the V-World of the Objects ?

I Mean if Player in DM, Zone He cant see the Stunt Maps
or if player is in the Stunts Map virtual world... he cant see the DM map

any Help ?

Either use a streamer (easiest way) or use CreatePlayerObject (harder way).

CreatePlayerObject will create the object in whatever world the player is in.

If you use the streamer plugin there is a virtualworld parameter on the CreateDynamicObject function.

Can you Give me a code for any Object just to show me how it work ?

Use the plugin. https://sampforum.blast.hk/showthread.php?tid=102865

Can't be bothered trying to explain, would probably just confuse you more.


after that you can create objects in certain virtual worlds easily

pawn Код:
CreateDynamicObject(modelid, Float:x, Float:y, Float:z, Float:rx, Float:ry, Float:rz, worldid = -1, interiorid = -1, playerid = -1, Float:streamdistance = 100.0);

// the worldid here is set to -1 which means it will be shown in all virtual worlds. So you can easily change it to your vw id

Sory Iam asking again

so i add this Line

[pwn] CreateDynamicObject(modelid, Float, Float:y, Float:z, Float:rx, Float:ry, Float:rz, worldid = -1, interiorid = -1, playerid = -1, Floattreamdistance = 100.0);[/pwn]

[pwn]worldid = -1,[/pwn]and just change the V-World I want ?

Yes. -1 will create the object in all worlds.


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