
At the moment in my CnRish gamemode (it's not just CnR though, eh, off-topic) you can spawn as either a cop or civ - but I am thinking of making it so you have to start off as a civ, then you can apply to be a cop at the PD (when I say apply I mean literally walk in to a checkpoint and select 'Apply' and you're a cop - not through a forum or some shit like RP servers do).

What do you think?

I think applying would be better, as otherwise you'd end up with retarded cops that don't know what to do just DMing everyone, including team-mates, as they do on other CnR servers.

Apply to be a cop is a better option because there will be less noob cops

Spawn as a cop, since I'm pretty sure most people don't know how to apply or are to lazy. This means that there will be lots of robbers, but almost zero cops. If this happens, robbers are getting bored lots quicker because they don't got any opponents allowing them to rob everything they can. Cops will be bored as well, since if there are close to 0 cops and as example 20 robbers are ingame, you are getting frustrated and ragequit much faster..

Btw I typed this on phone :P

Very good point (about there being no cops).

Apply to be cop

I should perhaps also state that if you apply to be a cop you get the skin for that city (cities change once a game-week (168 real-life minutes) and you must earn XP to then apply for S.W.A.T, FBI and Army, with more XP required for each.

The 3 C.R.A.S.H skins (Tenpenny, Hernandez and Pulaski) will be for donating players only.
The cop biker, county sheriff and desert sheriff skins should also be available, not sure how to implement those though. Perhaps a blue t-shirt pickup in the LSPD locker room like single-player (or was that Vice City?).

Originally Posted by RobinOwnz
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Spawn as a cop, since I'm pretty sure most people don't know how to apply or are to lazy. This means that there will be lots of robbers, but almost zero cops. If this happens, robbers are getting bored lots quicker because they don't got any opponents allowing them to rob everything they can. Cops will be bored as well, since if there are close to 0 cops and as example 20 robbers are ingame, you are getting frustrated and ragequit much faster..

Btw I typed this on phone :P
But if the cops wait enough they will have enough population and quality to fight robbers. Because when they spawn as cops, they could be spies, noobs, unqualified people etc... You wouldnt want that kind of people for cops in longterm. Application is far better in the long-term. You can select trustworty people etc.. But if you are insterested in a short term project spawning would be ok.

It can be like One Cop Leader (who invites players) and players ask them ingame to join...
No one likes to apply in Forums. But better ingame

Please read my post. The 'application' isn't actually interacting with someone else, they just have to go to the PD and enter a checkpoint, and they become a cop.

Going back to the issue of skins, I suppose it could return them to class selection and they could choose from the different skins, and as I said they can change skin in the locker room.

Originally Posted by RobinOwnz
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Spawn as a cop, since I'm pretty sure most people don't know how to apply or are to lazy. This means that there will be lots of robbers, but almost zero cops. If this happens, robbers are getting bored lots quicker because they don't got any opponents allowing them to rob everything they can. Cops will be bored as well, since if there are close to 0 cops and as example 20 robbers are ingame, you are getting frustrated and ragequit much faster..

Btw I typed this on phone :P

make them able to spawn as cops, but not like others that you need 50+ score etc.

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