it's very simple I just learned about it yesterday actually
I guess you got acess to a terminal.
So just create a new directory for your teamspeak server to seperate it easier(mkdir directoryname).
Go in there(cd directoryname) download ts3server for linux (wget ts3linuxserverdllink). You now should have a tar.gz file with the serverfiles in it in that dir.
then just do (tar -zxvf filename) to extract the files.
then you can do (rm filename) to remove the tar.gz file.
after that do (ls) to see which directories there are.
There should be some teamspeak3blah directory then just (cd thatdirectory) to get in that directory.
in there you simply start the script of the server (./ start)
then you get some info on the server and you should be able to connect to it by simply using the ip of your server.
The key for adminrights and stuff is in the logs for you.
Just open them and use the key you find there.
Hope this helped eventhough I wrote it rather quickly.
If not just use this video, with this I learned it: