Server crashes after join(from another computer)

Hi everyone,

i just tried to join my server trough my little brother's computer, but after log in, the server crashes..

I saw this in my server log..
does anyone know what this is?
I use a MYSQl plugin, C-MYSQL or something..

[18:55:02]  West Side Roleplay by Jari Johnson
[18:55:02] ----------------------------------

[18:55:02] Number of vehicle models: 104
[18:55:59] Incoming connection: *********:57639
[18:55:59] [join] Casper_Johnson has joined the server (0:*********)
[18:55:59] [nick] Casper_Johnson nick changed to New_Name
[18:55:59] [nick] New_Name nick changed to Casper_Johnson
[18:56:35] [part] Casper_Johnson has left the server (0:0)
[18:56:55] Incoming connection: *********:1245
[18:56:56] [join] Jari_Johnson has joined the server (0:***********)
[18:56:56] [nick] Jari_Johnson nick changed to New_Name
[18:56:56] [nick] New_Name nick changed to Jari_Johnson
[18:56:59] Incoming connection: ********:57640
[18:56:59] [join] Casper_Johnson has joined the server (1:*******)
[18:56:59] [nick] Casper_Johnson nick changed to New_Name
[18:56:59] [nick] New_Name nick changed to Casper_Johnson
and after this it crashes..
we tried to join when no-one was online, but it still crashes, and it only works when i use only my computer to join..


Can you explain why the nick change to 'New_Name' ?

that is the problem, i have no explanation for that.. i don't have antyhing in my gamemode that is supposed to do that either.. idk but is this that causes the problem?

Originally Posted by Jari_Johnson*
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that is the problem, i have no explanation for that.. i don't have antyhing in my gamemode that is supposed to do that either.. idk but is this that causes the problem?
Post here OnPlayerConnect public.

there is nothing in it, i disabled everything in it.. with comments /* and */

What did you change last when it happened?

The registration system i think...
When i comment it it still happens..
Could it be due to 2 clients on the same IP?

Use the bare gamemode with no filterscripts and no plugins. See if it still crashes.

OK let me test that when i get home..

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