Auto - Loggin by IP Adress (Need Help)

Hi guys! I'm trying to make AutoLoggin by IP adress but... don't work Don't matter what IP i have... the script will loggin me )

pawn Код:
// (Get User Account Info)
    AccInfo[ playerid ][ Logged ] = 0;
    if(BUD::IsNameRegistered( PlayerName2(playerid) ) == true)
        new pQuery[512], pField[60];
        format(pQuery, 512, "SELECT `Adress` FROM `users` WHERE `name` = '%s';", PlayerName2(playerid));
        Result = db_query(Database, pQuery);
        db_get_field_assoc(Result, "Adress", pField, sizeof(pField));
        if( strcmp(pField, GetPlayerIPEx(playerid)) == 0 ) LogPLayer(playerid);
        SendInfo(playerid, "Your account is Registered! Please loggin to your account: ~r~~h~/login");
        SCM:(playerid, ~1,"Your account is "G"Registered"W"! Please "R"loggin "W"to your account: "O"/"W"login");
        AccInfo[ playerid ][ Admin ] = 0;
        AccInfo[ playerid ][ VIP ] = 0;
        AccInfo[ playerid ][ Sadmin ] = 0;
        AccInfo[ playerid ][ Registered ] = 1;
    if(BUD::IsNameRegistered( PlayerName2(playerid) ) == false)
        new rstring[256];
        format(rstring,256,""W"Welcome "YE"%s"W", on "R"San "S"Fierro "YE"Stuntage\n\n"W"Please "G"Register"W" to save your stats: "COL_ORANGE"Score,Money,Coins...", PlayerName2(playerid));
        ShowPlayerDialog(playerid,RegisterDialog,DIALOG_STYLE_PASSWORD,""W"Location:"G" Register Account",rstring,"(Register)","(Quit)");

I'm assuming that GetPlayerIPEx is a function you made. Are you sure it works correctly?

Try doing printf and comparing the two strings (the GetPlayerIPEx one and the file one).

P.S. It is spelled "address" not "adress"

PHP код:
[15:11:25Player Real IP127.0.0.1
[15:11:25Player Account IP
pawn Код:
stock GetPlayerAccountIP(playerid)
    new clanquery[100];
    new clan_motd[100];
    format(clanquery, sizeof(clanquery), "SELECT Adress FROM users WHERE name = '%s'", PlayerName2(playerid));
    Result = db_query( Database, clanquery );
    db_get_field_assoc( Result, "Adress", clan_motd, 30 );
    printf("Player Account IP: %s", clan_motd);
    return clan_motd;

So the problem is with the ip saved in the file. You are either not saving it (correctly) or are not retrieving it correctly.

Sorry, but I'm not familiar with SQlite.

Originally Posted by Yuryfury
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P.S. It is spelled "address" not "adress"
yes are you sure you dont have a typo in your query?

in database i have i don't know why the script don't read it..

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