01.06.2012, 13:03
Последний раз редактировалось Sandiel; 09.07.2013 в 10:05.
New DJ Job, suitable for everyone! [New & Improved]
Hello there, I'am Sandiel, and I'm presenting you today with a DJ job, that is easy to use, and most importantly fun to use, so you can rock a bit up in this bitch!
Short Description:
* /assigndj [Playerid/PartOfName] [Hours]- For admins, assign one DJ in the server for a certain amount of time(only one has to be online)
* /prepareparty - The DJ has to prepare the party first, must be in the DJ Van (DYNAMIC)
* /startparty - Start the party once 5 or more players have joined the location of the party (via checkpoint)
* /endparty - I think this explains itself.
* ZCMD - Thanks to Zeex
* SSCANF2 - Thanks to ******
* IQ of over 50
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* AMX file (Mediafire)
* PWN file (Mediafire)
* Pastebin link
Once an administrator assigns a DJ in the server for a certain amount of time (hours), this DJ will get access to the jobs commands. First off, he needs to use /prepareparty so that the party is prepared, he has to be in the DJ Van (DYNAMIC) and then a dialog pops up to everyone online that announces the party, if answered positively and they wish to join, a checkpoint is created, once they reach this checkpoint they must wait for another 4 players to join (5 minimum, you can change this too) And then once there are 5+ people in the party area the DJ can simply use /startparty to start the party and /play to access the music menu (custom URLs and song names) once he's finished he simply uses /endparty, as simple as that.
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Hello there, I'am Sandiel, and I'm presenting you today with a DJ job, that is easy to use, and most importantly fun to use, so you can rock a bit up in this bitch!

Short Description:
* /assigndj [Playerid/PartOfName] [Hours]- For admins, assign one DJ in the server for a certain amount of time(only one has to be online)
* /prepareparty - The DJ has to prepare the party first, must be in the DJ Van (DYNAMIC)
* /startparty - Start the party once 5 or more players have joined the location of the party (via checkpoint)
* /endparty - I think this explains itself.
* ZCMD - Thanks to Zeex
* SSCANF2 - Thanks to ******
* IQ of over 50
__________________________________________________ _________________
* AMX file (Mediafire)
* PWN file (Mediafire)
* Pastebin link
Once an administrator assigns a DJ in the server for a certain amount of time (hours), this DJ will get access to the jobs commands. First off, he needs to use /prepareparty so that the party is prepared, he has to be in the DJ Van (DYNAMIC) and then a dialog pops up to everyone online that announces the party, if answered positively and they wish to join, a checkpoint is created, once they reach this checkpoint they must wait for another 4 players to join (5 minimum, you can change this too) And then once there are 5+ people in the party area the DJ can simply use /startparty to start the party and /play to access the music menu (custom URLs and song names) once he's finished he simply uses /endparty, as simple as that.
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