How to check if player press NunPad 8?

Hello guys. For my engine vehicle, i wanted to make it start when player press key nunpad 8, but i have no idea on how to check that. Some other keys i know, but this one i didn't find in wiki, and if(newkeys & KEY_NUNPAD didn't work.

I know it's possible as i've seen it already, but i don't know how. xD


Not too sure imma ****** it . < It is that, this page also includes NUM 2 - KEY_ANALOG_DOWN

agreed to IceCube! - the relevant page is this:
the camera keys are set to the numpad (2-4-6- by default, and they also work on a joypad (analogue aswell) for rotating turret/camera.

It worked. Thank you all.

If you use it for anything such as auto-flip, joypad users will be annoyed, as I am with some server that does that, as every time we move the camera with the right analog stick it calls it.

Originally Posted by MP2
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If you use it for anything such as auto-flip, joypad users will be annoyed, as I am with some server that does that, as every time we move the camera with the right analog stick it calls it.
Annoyed to, played a RP server that started and stopped the engine with it, everytime I moved it the engine would strt or stop. Same with a DM server they used it to drop Ammo, I had to go back to my keyboard.

It's for engine start and stop. Camera is moveable with mouse. xD

Camera isn't movable with mouse when using joypad.

Originally Posted by ricardo178
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It's for engine start and stop. Camera is moveable with mouse. xD
Still kind of annoying when your using a PS3 controller :P. If you used Num 2 it wouldn't effect people as much as we dont ever use down, we adust the camera to make it higher otherwise the normal position of the Camera is fine but then again its down to you :P.

Originally Posted by MP2
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Camera isn't movable with mouse when using joypad.
That to.

I'm always moving the camera, in all directions. I move it up a bit when driving so I can see ahead and I often move it left/right for 'cinematic' purposes. I don't use down too much, but still do. Stick to other keys if you ask me.

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