Black Listing,Leaks,Opinions

Yo i've been playing NGRP before script leak and i wanna know why do you all take it so seriously blacklisting all these servers that use it to me NGRP isnt special they are just a normal server with thousands of players im not saying all of this to be mean or anything im just saying that why do you wanna start blacklisting servers for this? huh? You all didnt do that when SARP's script was leaked NGRP is no different from SARP they both have good coding and everything but why start now? If NGRP is copyrighted (i know someones will say that) i thought they couldnt do that because they are copyrighting someone elses gamemode that they put coding in. If people dont want their scripts and gamemodes to be leaked they need to be carefull of who they give their info to the servers control panel, its no ones fault but those of who get their stuff leaked if it was any other normal RP server SA-MP would probally be like "Dont give out your information to your control panel" and they wouldnt blacklist the servers that use the STOLEN script. So tell me why do you all blacklist someones server because they used something created by Fear and editited by NGRP team?

Agree with you bro !

Sounds like you failed opening your own ngrp server to be honest.

It was a clear case that the script was leaked and released. The "normal" server owner will have to keep proofs ready that it is his own work, which is really difficult in general.
Additionally we got more than enough bad gamemode edits or copies in the server list, so every blacklisted one is a good one in my opinion.

Originally Posted by Mauzen
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Sounds like you failed opening your own ngrp server to be honest.

It was a clear case that the script was leaked and released. The "normal" server owner will have to keep proofs ready that it is his own work, which is really difficult in general.
Additionally we got more than enough bad gamemode edits or copies in the server list, so every blacklisted one is a good one in my opinion.
Well i have tried doing some things to the NGRP script but havent tried to open my own server and dont plan to. the NGRP script is useless to me people are Tired of GF edits

Originally Posted by ******
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You're right, and I've tried to say this before. The NGRP script uses the streamer plugin, thus includes the streamer plugin include. This is GPL code and thus the NGRP script also becomes GPL (hence the sometimes use phrase "viral license). Wether this means it has to be released given that the compiled version was never officially released either is another matter, but the copyright claim does fall down.
The word of the wise, this is exactly what I never understand. I'm not just talking about NGRP script either. IN GENERAL.

Isn't this one of the reasons why NGRP is blacklisted? I don't want to be involved in a discussion about if this is true or fake, I'm just showing you what might be a reason of the blacklisting of NGRP.

Originally Posted by ******
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You're right, and I've tried to say this before. The NGRP script uses the streamer plugin, thus includes the streamer plugin include. This is GPL code and thus the NGRP script also becomes GPL (hence the sometimes use phrase "viral license). Wether this means it has to be released given that the compiled version was never officially released either is another matter, but the copyright claim does fall down.
The script only becomes GPL if you consider that the use of the streamer include makes the script a derivative work. There are lots of arguments about what makes a work considered derivative.

For example:
Originally Posted by Lawrence Rosen
The primary indication of whether a new program is a derivative work is whether the source code of the original program was used [in a copy-paste sense], modified, translated or otherwise changed in any way to create the new program. If not, then I would argue that it is not a derivative work

The Free Software Foundation (which holds the copyright of several notable GPL-licensed software products and of the license text itself) asserts that an executable which uses a dynamically linked library is indeed a derivative work. This does not however apply to separate programs communicating with one another.


So if I (for instance) download a 'leaked' copy and edit the streamer functions under the GPL and the script I could then claim it's a derivative work? It's a minefield to navigate to be honest, GPL licenses are typically not draconian as far as copyright goes though, hence the name.

Surely if they are using the streamer plugin, they have to credit the creator of that with the copyright and the GPL license? I've not seen the copyright or credits of an NGRP leak, but most of the scripts use streamers or plugins, wouldn't that make them GPL also simply by using those plugins?

Or putting it another way, let's suppose I code an amazing script then I use the streamer plugin and charge $150 for people to download it and use it, wouldn't I be breaching the terms of the GPL by charging for access?

NGRP script is old, I've seen better. Like when you walk around and the only thing you see is gates and stupid things will it gets kinda of frustrated. How about everyone just learn how to script and before opening their own servers they should actually make a proper gamemode not something that is on 100 other servers.

I want SA-MP admins response why do you all close servers using NGRP script!? you didnt do that when SARPS script was leaked

Are you sure its the SA:MP Team that are closing these servers also if they are they are not searching for the servers i can guarantee that. The only way a server is being shut down for using NGRP's script, is because the owners or someone of importance to that community has noticed it and contacted that persons hosting company and the hosting company has shut it down. Kingj do this if you contact them.

Even if the code is not licensed if it is obviously belonging to a particular server then your hosting company can and will shut down the server until you agree to change the gamemode.

Originally Posted by Shadow_
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Are you sure its the SA:MP Team that are closing these servers also if they are they are not searching for the servers i can guarantee that. The only way a server is being shut down for using NGRP's script, is because the owners or someone of importance to that community has noticed it and contacted that persons hosting company and the hosting company has shut it down. Kingj do this if you contact them.

Even if the code is not licensed if it is obviously belonging to a particular server then your hosting company can and will shut down the server until you agree to change the gamemode.
I saw this question somewhere before, WHAT IF that scripter didn't know it was a 'Leaked NGRP Script' because it was sent by his friend as a gift for anything and then that scripter starts to develop it, a couple of Months / Years later, it has been heavily editted then by the time he starts the server up and some new dude comes in-game and notices some parts are from NGRP then he reports it to SAMP, will it be closed down?

Also, why dosen't SAMP Give a Flying / Swimming / Running fuck about other scripts leaking? For example, the LSSRP ( Los Santos Streets Roleplay ) where in it was leaked by some dude here in SAMP Forums and as i believe, LSSRP owner DID report it and i've heared from someone in LSSRP that he reported a certain server for using that leaked script and some weeks later, it still wasn't closed down or something?

Wait, this is Next Generation Roleplay or the other NGRP?
**Look at Gamemode forum and you'll find NGRP but not Next Generation**

Originally Posted by Raiden Dragneel
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Wait, this is Next Generation Roleplay or the other NGRP?
**Look at Gamemode forum and you'll find NGRP but not Next Generation**
Not the one in SAMP Forums ( I know the name is confusing ), NgG

Originally Posted by Raiden Dragneel
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Wait, this is Next Generation Roleplay or the other NGRP?
**Look at Gamemode forum and you'll find NGRP but not Next Generation**
Next Generation Gaming, LLC

I wish NGRP script was taken off the internet for good. NGRP server being the only server to use it. (But I know that will never happen )

Let me tell you a story about my server tag, MM.

In the past, the founder of it worked together with some people. Some of them left, some didn't. One ragequit and released all scripts on the internet - for sale. That's when the founder (MID) decided to work by his own.

After some months the server closed, and several people made their own script. However, one of them bought the original script and worked further on that (without essentially changing anything to the script core).

Some months later, the original server owner returned and noticed the other servers taking his own GM. Of course he couldn't do anything about those, as they didn't use anything but his ideas (most of them closed anyhow because they were nothing but a substitute for the original one). But he also noticed one server using his own scripts.

He reported this to SAMP and the server got blacklisted.

So it's not ONLY NGRP edits who get blacklisted. If you provide enough proof, they will blacklist copies of your self made server.

Also, copyright is by default. If you create something your own, it's copyrighted without doing anything else.

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