[Help]Pickup and other things

Hello everybody i need some help well i m not admin but i can go /on and /o (/ooc) and i made pickup to enter in advertiser to /advertise but there is no interior and nothing happend where to put the interior ?

1./on Problem picture ( http://zaslike.com/viewer.php?file=c...c8ssw1v53d.png)
2./advertise...i got pickup but i cant enter and where to add interior i want to make more object with /enter /exit picture ( http://zaslike.com/viewer.php?file=p...2x01vi5gco.png ) ....

i m sure some1 gonna help me

Can you explain your problem a little more.. structured?
I cannot understand this..

idk where to make other object for /enter /exit where is the SetInterior :@

the second problem is civils can go /on(duty) even they are not admins

about the second Prob. can you show us your script?

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