Server shuts down upon someone connecting..

The minute it was "Connected. Joining the game..." the server shuts off, anyone know why?

How about you posting the server log? Most likely failed to read/write file.

Yeah we can't do nothing to help you if you don't give us something to help you with.

Take a look at the crashdetect plugin. You got a script problem in your OnPlayerConnect code. Compile it with debug option and youll get the exact line that causes the problem (should be described in the crashdetect topic)

I believe this is the topic about the crashdetect plugin.

You're probably reading or writing to a directory that doesn't exist.

YOur offering him a crashdetect plugin, no offence to him but I doubt he knows how to read it and fix a error from what it says. Another thing as said above he is 99% statiscticly missing a file or folder.

if your using mysql it looks like you are trying to connect to a failed databse (that is if you use mysql) also try updating your plugins and make sure you dont have any code over any important code Onplayerconnect, somthing like this happened to me.

Originally Posted by IceCube!
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Another thing as said above he is 99% statiscticly missing a file or folder.
I, myself, can't even stress this enough. :P

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