The Truth...


Before I continue, I recommend each member to not turn this topic into any of the rule-breaking as creating this topic with this kind of information IS NOT rulebreaking.


So I was browing HRP (Horizon Roleplay) forums, they recently have been getting DDoSed a lot, but I happened to find this thread that was posted on 5/23/2012.


We were hesitant to release this information but we believe that players here and all through out the SA-MP community should be made aware of these facts -- it is in the interest of the SA-MP community as a whole that we put a halt to attacks against each other. We are all here for the same reason, which is to have fun playing SA-MP regardless of what server that may be on.

Server owners should be the first to affirm this and stand opposed to attacks against any SA-MP server. Since an attack on one SA-MP server, is an attack on the entire SA-MP community. That fact is amplified when it is a server owner or server co-owner who knows what it is like to have the fun of your players ruined by DDoS attacks.

It is with that thought in mind that we will have to make this information public. We did not want to defame or slander other servers but we have been forced to through the actions of Next Generation Gaming, LLC part owner Nick Phillips (of Next Generation Gaming Roleplay (NGRP)) since it has affected our players directly. We have gathered definitive proof that he is responsible for the DDoS attacks against our server over the last couple of days. It is with regret that we have to inform you that a server's administration with influence in the SA-MP community, a server's administration that should serve as role model for others, is the one responsible for such actions.

Not to even mention that the money that was used to finance these DDoS attacks against us was earned on the backs of many admins here who contributed to their growth to great extents and even worse than that is the fact that the attack was practically sponsored by the NGG/NGRP shop/e-store and those who were willing to donate for or purchase (whichever you prefer) items from it. Indeed, it is sad to see what their money is spent on. As Nick's attacks against other servers is not something new -- the rest of their highest administration (the real top that is) is more than aware of these facts as it has happened before in the past.

The meeting transcript from Next Generation Gaming, LLC majority owner Devin Clark states "Lastly on the note of HRP, it has also be tossed around that we are attacking them by means of DDOS. Next Generation Gaming has not and will not ever use such means against another gaming community, we have been able to pride ourselves on our achievements that have been won by fair play methods only, with quality scripting and a strong backbone." (Source: - second paragraph) This is false, as the evidence states above, if he lies about this, what else is he going to lying about?

We decided to take this information to the SA-MP team immediately without any form of retaliation against nor contact with NGG/NGRP as you can not reason with the unreasonable. Also because the SA-MP forums were target of DDoS attacks by NGG for no apparent reason.

We wish to compliment the SA-MP team on their decision to block NGRP from the master server (internet & hosted list) as a result of this evidence. It is one important step in the betterment of SA-MP and hopefully they will no longer attack neither SA-MP nor us.

We wish to let this information be public knowledge so everyone is aware of what the administration of the server they might be playing on is doing and what their money is being used for.

We found this by going onto the website and requesting a password reset under the email (see below)
Email Dispatched (screenshot)

Then later gained access to his account due to him using a simple password 'nick123'.
Account Details(screenshot)

He posted a ticket about blacklisting the NGG IP's from the booter.
Part 1
Part 2

He paid the invoice on the '' email (where all your donation money goes!).
Part 2

With this, it logs all IP's that have logged in so.
Login History

and then:
IP 1
IP 2
(the other two were proxies)

His attacks:
You'll notice in here he attacked 4 IPs, 3 of which being our TS and our SAMP server, the other one is... the SA:MP forums.


NGG has responded denying every accusation and is making the outrageous claim that Abbott was in fact responsible for attacks against the server he has worked on building up for about 5 months now. We could not have expected a more childish reply than this and expected that they would at least have the common decency to admit their wrongdoing. We await the logs to prove their innocence, or rather... their lies.

On top of that, are they going to say that Abbott was attacking himself too? Since he was getting attacked by them here (they got his IP through the last IP logins, Abbott was merely gathering evidence), see:

And if it is true that they only used this service to block their own IP-addresses from getting attacked, then why is there a subscription for the booter? Or are they going to throw up some lunatic nut conspiracy theory for that too? Did Abbott pay for that too? See:

Not to mention the fact that these attacks were over a time span of a couple of days where Abbott worked with many others to try as many things as possible to prevent attacks against our server. Anyone with any sort of intelligence can see what's going on here. Even in the face of solid and conclusive evidence... the truth is twisted by those who do not wish to face it and we are dismissed as liars. The sad part is that many will actually believe this spoon-fed bullshit. Nick has a reputation for this kind of sketchy behavior. Admission of these actions and disciplinary measures against Nick would have been fair enough, but this is beyond anything we expected. Oh and why was it again that Nick's hosting company shutdown about two years ago? That's right -- it was because he was using his servers to DDoS attack other SA-MP servers to which SA-MP responded by blocking all of his server's IP-addresses. The truth is out there for those are willing to see it.

EDIT #2:

Laying more facts on the table then:

In order for someone to believe their story, you would have to believe that Abbott attacked his own server -- not in one instance, but several instances spread over several days and they want us to believe that Nick didn't notice any of this until recently? Despite the fact that there are last IP logins and "my attacks" logs as shown to you in the first post. C'mon now... we're all more intelligent than to believe that. Fact is that as soon as Nick noticed that his account was compromised, he changed the username, e-mail and password.

Now even if we ignore all that -- ask yourself this: If Abbott really wanted to set them up then why would he attack his own server? Why wouldn't he just attack SA-MP which would have been enough to make this conspiracy theory half-believable? After all, if his goal was to get NGRP blocked from the master server then that would have been achieved without damaging his own community. Members of this community can attest to the fact that we were being attacked frequently over the last couple of days and there are even bandwidth logs that we're willing to share since we are open to inquiry and will not stand for being accused of being liars.

We looked at this very carefully and we even hesitated until we realized this is information that should be public knowledge. We acted in the interest of our players and the SA-MP community and we hope that will not go unappreciated.

Bandwidth logs (but I guess they'll just say this is a lie too or it was produced in Photoshop, who knows what junk theory can be made):

For someone to use their own IP to log onto a booter to attack SAMP forums and then send the unedited screenshots to them is just an illogical story. Abbott has nothing to hide that's why he didn't bother going on a proxy just to gather evidence, that would be shady. He only edited those screenshots for this announcement because he has common decency not to potentially expose info to script kiddies etc.

NGG's announcement merely shows Abbott's IP logging on, but where is the rest of the explanation? Why the hell would they have a booter to "protect our IP's not attack any SA-MP servers"?

Who's story is more creditable? We have presented the facts in the form of screenshots, logs etc and all they have done is turn the story upside down against us therefore I submit to you that it is our story that is the truth and as I have said in the past before: Sometimes the truth is cold, harsh and confrontational.

EDIT #3:

(Edit #3 in the original post):

A day after we released this information attacks against us became more frequent than before... now we're not accusing anyone without solid evidence since that would be making conclusions based on assumptions (something our neighbors know a lot about) but I dare say we have the right to question where, oh where these oh so sudden attacks may have came from? Are they going to accuse Abbott of attacking his own server again?

Bandwidth logs (as you can see the usage went back up today, it would have been worse but we blocked a good part of it):

Not that the bandwidth logs would be needed since once again our players can attest to the fact that the attacks were much more frequent today, but we like to back up what we claim with evidence here.

Please also note that the discussion was and continues to be an open discussion here, we allowed for any kind of opinion regarding this to speak out and for everyone to lay out their case with arguments. Something our neighbors have not done. They have slapped dead the discussion by posting a single closed official announcement thread, that denies everything, and it seems an inquiry/discussion thread about who to believe what almost immediately closed. Why is that? What's that saying again? Oh yeah -- a liar always has something to hide. Well, we're not the ones hiding anything so I guess you could say it's a little odd that the story was twisted upside, we were accused of being liars and people actually buy their junk theory.

"Science isn’t democratic insofar as the truth is not something we can vote for. The truth is the truth."
-- Benjamin Wiker

"It is better to offer no excuse than a bad one."
-- George Washington

The clock is ticking on and we have yet to see the promised evidence that would refute our claims. We have also been informed by sources that the host of this service does not keep logs for longer than 24 hours (they reset it), so we will be looking forward to what evidence will be presented, if any at all.

EDIT #4: - Abbott

Someone just sent me an anonymous email from a spoofed with screenshots of Nicks mailbox on the domain.

That is from Tuesday, March 13, 2012 with a 90 day subscription

You see another subscription for 3 months

Email headers

More email headers.

Can't forge email headers.

Full Thread:

Now, don't think that I'm trying to make NGG look back...I just want to see what's everyone's opinion on this. Have you ever thought such communities doing such thing on SA:MP, that even the SA:MP team is also concerned.

But have you noticed the owner, Devin, posting this topic? If he's no concerned, why is he posting that YET having less evidence then HRP did?

Now, I just would like a normal discussion on this topic. Not flaming, arguing, etc.

Moderators, please DO NOT remove this topic as no rules are being broken!

I also found this website (can't say it's fully true, some of it is) that you guys can also look at!

So what do you guys say about this kind of activity?

Wow,my post was removed without a warning,i just posted this:

"Another virtual(s) war.Nothing new.Let me take pop corns and coca cola."

What's bad in this?

Originally Posted by Logitech90
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"Another virtual(s) war.Nothing new.Let me take pop corns and coca cola."

I mean seriously...why are big communities fighting against eachother. SA:MP is a community, we're ALL suppose to stick as one..

Originally Posted by Brandon Javorsky
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I mean seriously...why are big communities fighting against eachother. SA:MP is a community, we're ALL suppose to stick as one..
Because people are too immature to non be jealous and they ddoes eachother,it's continue cycle.

Originally Posted by Logitech90
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Because people are too immature to non be jealous and they ddoes eachother,it's continue cycle.
The amount of proof that was provided (which I'm adding the ones I missed to the first post) that such community as NGG doing such activity is unbelievable, especially when they're supposed to represent responsibility and maturity.

The constant hatred that people build in SAMP is not called for. If you simply dislike someone or something, why bother them?

Can you summarise it? It's incredibly long -.-

HRP was attacked by Nick (one of the head admins at NGRP) and Nick also decided to randomly attack the SA-MP forums, HRP sent evidence of this to the SA-MP team and the SA-MP team blocked them from the master server lists for doing so.

I don't really think this needs to be discussed... Unless any new evidence comes to light, it's the decision of the SA-MP team and not yours or mine which actually counts.

Originally Posted by Lorenc_
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The thing is, both servers are corrupt! So who gives a flying fuck?
How can a server be "corrupt?" and how is HRP corrupt? HRP strictly abides by the SA-MP service agreement.

Originally Posted by Brandon Javorsky
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I mean seriously...why are big communities fighting against eachother. SA:MP is a community, we're ALL suppose to stick as one..
Big communitys want to get bigger, they have power but they want more power. If something unique comes on SAMP before the little guy can be recognised they implement the function or copy the GM and add it to their community which pisses me off!, I've had a coder on a big server join my server and 3 days later my function was stolen my player count dropped and they said I copyed them.

Also, just to add - HRP has never been responsible for any attacks against NGRP. HRP had a few admins who caused a bit of drama at NGRP when they quit, but no attacks were made against them at all.

Thanks for summarising, now I can ask: why do you feel that it's your duty to share with with the community, Brandon? It seems like a pretty private issue to me. Not to mention the fact that you're just provoking attacks by posting this.

Originally Posted by Calgon
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Also, just to add - HRP has never been responsible for any attacks against NGRP. HRP had a few admins who caused a bit of drama at NGRP when they quit, but no attacks were made against them at all.
Not true, BIG communitys have been known to attack BIG communitys therefore I wont put this past them!

I give a fuck about it,

samp is protecting NGG by blacklisting servers which use their script, and they ddos others...

what a shame about SAMP!

Meh, somone needs to make a server thats RP and has been made in such a way a God Father script would take ages to support the new function, thus making new players from NGG come to that server and NGG have to actually TRY to make a better GM. Although this could be tricky.

Originally Posted by IceCube!
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Not true, BIG communitys have been known to attack BIG communitys therefore I wont put this past them!
It is true, you're just being ignorant and making assumptions. I was an admin/lead scripter at HRP for almost 6 months, it's fair to say I'd know if they were issuing DDoS attacks, and they simply weren't.

Zhao has always taken the moral high ground when NGRP has behaved childishly in regards to HRP, meanwhile the worst thing HRP has done is post the thread with out findings of NGRP attacking HRP and contacted the SA-MP team about it, even then, they deserve it.

Originally Posted by Calgon
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It is true, you're just being ignorant and making assumptions. I was an admin/lead scripter at HRP for almost 6 months, it's fair to say I'd know if they were issuing DDoS attacks, and they simply weren't.

Zhao has always taken the moral high ground when NGRP has behaved childishly in regards to HRP, meanwhile the worst thing HRP has done is post the thread with out findings of NGRP attacking HRP and contacted the SA-MP team about it, even then, they deserve it.
I wasn't briefed on the fact you worked there, any how if what your saying is true NGG whould be punished and not lightly as they have been doing it for as long as I cant remember.

Originally Posted by Brandon Javorsky
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I mean seriously...why are big communities fighting against eachother. SA:MP is a community, we're ALL suppose to stick as one..
DDoS is an extremely serious issue throughout SA:MP, and it's one of the worst games to host as a GSP. Nick Phillips old SAMP hosting provider ( was blacklisted due to him using his server to DDoS rival servers, NGG isn't a 'community' anymore, it's a business, Next Generation Gaming, LLC, and DDoSing is illegal and a pest.

Originally Posted by Brandon Javorsky
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The owner of NGG (Nick) has been using a booter (which I can't identify) to attack Horizon Roleplay. Horizon Roleplay was able to add some facts proving that this information is TRUE. The link at the bottom of the post is a blog representing the activity within the community that most people don't have a clue about.
(If you read it you'll understand it a little better)

So I'd like to have a general discussion about this to hear what people think of such activity, as this kind of community shouldn't represent such behavior.
Nick Phillips isn't the owner of Next Generation Gaming, LLC, he is a part owner with Devin Clark (47/53 I believe)

Originally Posted by Brandon Javorsky
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I surely don't give a fuck...but this is an example of big communities representing childish behaviors...

HRP is in hard times of troubles, but NGG needs to still be supportive. They need to put themselves in HRP's shoes and see how it feels to be DDoSed constantly!
Since HRP has been hosted they have been getting DDoSed, sometimes the bandwidth was 2TB within 2 hours, this DDoS was only small due the majority being filtered, but still was a pest and the fact that we found evidence of the person doing it was even better.

Originally Posted by Samp_India
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The NGG Server should be punished For this.
They're blacklisted from the master server, read the thread prior to posting.

Originally Posted by Abbott
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They're blacklisted from the master server, read the thread prior to posting.
Finally new servers will actually get a chance to get players and the RP freak out may die!, This has been a long time comming lets hope it stays this way!

Originally Posted by Dripac
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I give a fuck about it,

samp is protecting NGG by blacklisting servers which use their script, and they ddos others...

what a shame about SAMP!
Yep that's true what a shame,SAMP team protecting NG-RP blocking a server which uses their script.

Originally Posted by Abbott
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They're blacklisted from the master server, read the thread prior to posting.
Then why they're server still have players,NGG should be punished blacklisted from the master server isn't enough.

Originally Posted by Dripac
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I give a fuck about it,

samp is protecting NGG by blacklisting servers which use their script, and they ddos others...

what a shame about SAMP!
SA:MP doesn't block servers that use the NGRP script to my knowledge, if you have further proof of them blocking servers for using NGRP script then i'd like to see it

Originally Posted by Abbott
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SA:MP doesn't block servers that use the NGRP script.
They are like my favourite server did.

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