Bullets Problem..

Hey guys,

Something strange happen..When I shot with my gun at something the bullets aren't over..

It won't waste them ..

Can someone help me plz ?

Tnx !

Help plz.. !

please take some time to read the forum rules,
bumping your post is not aloud!

This is an issue for SAMP
you must script a solution and it still will not be perfect,
I think most do it with the OnPlayerTakeDamage
and the OnPlayerGiveDamage callbacks
look them up on the wiki and search these forums as this has been covered
in them.

You could even download a gamemode that has this in it and see how they do it.

Tnx for replay man..

It just happened,I don't know why thats why I need your help

It happens to me also, on a private lan server with 5 or less players,

Im still developing and have not yet addressed this issue,
but I have read about it in a few topics, just search around
their are a few different approaches to helping this problem
and I have not tried any so I cannot recommend any.


You're probably desynced. Rejoin and try it again, see what happens.

How can I do that man ?

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