Not moving object

Im making an auto gate but whenever i walk up to the gate it doesnt open..

pawn Код:
forward lvpdGatesOpen();
forward lvpdGatesClose();
forward lspdGatesOpen();
forward lspdGatesClose();

new lvpdgate;
new lspdgate;
new lvpdGateOpen = 0;
new lspdGateOpen = 0;
pawn Код:
public OnGameModeInit()
    lvpdgate = CreateDynamicObject(971, 2334.98, 2443.39, 7.50, 0.00, 0.00, 60.06);
    lspdgate = CreateDynamicObject(971, 1588.98, -1638.15, 14.36, 0.00, 0.00, 179.10);
    return 1;

LVPD gate
pawn Код:
public lvpdGatesOpen()
    for(new i=0; i<MAX_PLAYERS; i++)
        if(PlayerToPoint(10.0, i, 2334.98, 2443.39, 7.50) && lvpdGateOpen == 0)
            //if(gTeam[i] == TEAM_NOOBS)
                MoveObject(lvpdgate, 2334.98, 2443.39, 1.00, 5);
                lvpdGateOpen =1;

public lvpdGatesClose()
     MoveObject(lvpdgate, 2334.98, 2443.39, 7.50, 5);
     lvpdGateOpen =0;
LSPD gate
pawn Код:
public lspdGatesOpen()
    for(new i=0; i<MAX_PLAYERS; i++)
        if(PlayerToPoint(10.0, i, 1588.98, -1638.15, 14.36) && lspdGateOpen == 0)
            //if(gTeam[i] == TEAM_NOOBS)
                MoveObject(lspdgate, 1588.98, -1638.15, 8.36, 5);
                lspdGateOpen =1;

public lspdGatesClose()
     MoveObject(lspdgate, 1588.98, -1638.15, 14.36, 5);
     lspdGateOpen =0;
pawn Код:
PlayerToPoint(Float:radius, playerid, Float:X, Float:Y, Float:Z)
    new Float:oldpos[3], Float:temppos[3];
    GetPlayerPos(playerid, oldpos[0], oldpos[1], oldpos[2]);
    temppos[0] = (oldpos[0] -X);
    temppos[1] = (oldpos[1] -Y);
    temppos[2] = (oldpos[2] -Z);
    if(((temppos[0] < radius) && (temppos[0] > -radius)) && ((temppos[1] < radius) && (temppos[1] > -radius)) && ((temppos[2] < radius) && (temppos[2] > -radius)))
        return true;
    return false;

First of all use IsPlayerInRangeOfPoint instead of PlayerToPoint. It's a native (default) function and is a lot more efficient.

Secondly, you have brackets messed up after //if(gTeam[i] == TEAM_NOOBS). Un-comment that line.

Debug your code with print() to see what is getting called. Also, what is the point in the timers under OnGameModeInit? Just create them open?

Why are you using so many timers for the same thing :/ Also, you aren't moving the objects anywhere.


PlayerToPoint(10.0, i, 1588.98, -1638.15, 14.36) //You check if the player is near here
MoveObject(lspdgate, 1588.98, -1638.15, 8.36, 5);//You move the object to the exact same x,y,z pos..
Edited code:

pawn Код:
forward GatesOpen();
forward MoveObjectEx(objectid, Float:xpos, Float:ypos, Float:zpos, Float:_Speed, Float:xRot=-1000.0, Float:yRot=-1000.0, Float:zRot=-1000.0);

new Gates[2];
new lvpdGateOpen = 0;
new lspdGateOpen = 0;

public OnGameModeInit()
    SetTimer("GatesOpen", 1000, true);
    Gates[0] = CreateDynamicObject(971, 2334.98, 2443.39, 7.50, 0.00, 0.00, 60.06);
    Gates[1] = CreateDynamicObject(971, 1588.98, -1638.15, 14.36, 0.00, 0.00, 179.10);
    return 1;

public GatesOpen()
    for(new i=0; i<MAX_PLAYERS; i++)
        if(IsPlayerInRangeOfPoint(i, 10.0, 2334.98, 2443.39, 7.50) && lvpdGateOpen == 0)
            MoveObject(lvpdgate, 2334.98 - 10, 2443.39, 1.00, 5);
            lvpdGateOpen = 1;
            SetTimerEx("MoveObjectEx", 7000, false, "iiffff", 0, Gates[0], 2334.98, 2443.39, 1.00);
        else if(IsPlayerInRangeOfPoint(i, 10.0, 1588.98, -1638.15, 14.36) && lspdGateOpen == 0)
            MoveObject(lspdgate, 1588.98 - 10, -1638.15, 8.36, 5);
            lspdGateOpen = 1;
            SetTimerEx("MoveObjectEx", 7000, false, "iiffff", 1, Gates[1], 1588.98, -1638.15, 8.36);

public MoveObjectEx(type, objectid, Float:xpos, Float:ypos, Float:zpos, Float:_Speed, Float:xRot=-1000.0, Float:yRot=-1000.0, Float:zRot=-1000.0)
     MoveObject(objectid, xpos, ypos, zpos, _Speed, xRot, yRot, zRot);
     if(type == 0) lvpdGateOpen = 0;
     else if(type == 1) lspdGateOpen = 0;
Obviously the move position is approximate.

pawn Код:
(13) : error 059: function argument may not have a default value (variable "xRot")
(144) : error 025: function heading differs from prototype
pawn Код:
forward MoveObjectEx(objectid, Float:xpos, Float:ypos, Float:zpos, Float:_Speed, Float:xRot=-1000.0, Float:yRot=-1000.0, Float:zRot=-1000.0);

public MoveObjectEx(type, objectid, Float:xpos, Float:ypos, Float:zpos, Float:_Speed, Float:xRot=-1000.0, Float:yRot=-1000.0, Float:zRot=-1000.0)

Just delete lvpdGatesOpen all together, it's completely un-necessary.

Originally Posted by MP2
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Just delete lvpdGatesOpen all together, it's completely un-necessary.
That was supposed to be for the gate closing auto but im not getting how to do that part.,

No, you have two timers, one for opening and one for closing. You only need one for closing.

Okay but i changed my code to coole210's. Any idea with errors?

Show the updated code and errors (and comment on which lines the errors are on).

Its up there but:

pawn Код:
(13) : error 059: function argument may not have a default value (variable "xRot")
(144) : error 025: function heading differs from prototype
pawn Код:
forward MoveObjectEx(objectid, Float:xpos, Float:ypos, Float:zpos, Float:_Speed, Float:xRot=-1000.0, Float:yRot=-1000.0, Float:zRot=-1000.0);

public MoveObjectEx(type, objectid, Float:xpos, Float:ypos, Float:zpos, Float:_Speed, Float:xRot=-1000.0, Float:yRot=-1000.0, Float:zRot=-1000.0)

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