Textdraw Selection

I've looked over my code several times and I can't find a reason as to why I can't select this textdraw. It doesn't turn yellow when I put my mouse over it but the 'close' button under it works.

pawn Код:
gPhoneEnterNum[2] = TextDrawCreate(533.000000, 362.000000, "1");
TextDrawBackgroundColor(gPhoneEnterNum[2], 255);
TextDrawFont(gPhoneEnterNum[2], 1);
TextDrawLetterSize(gPhoneEnterNum[2], 0.600000, 1.000000);
TextDrawColor(gPhoneEnterNum[2], -1);
TextDrawSetOutline(gPhoneEnterNum[2], 1);
TextDrawSetProportional(gPhoneEnterNum[2], 1);
TextDrawTextSize(gPhoneEnterNum[2], 100.000000, 20.000000);
TextDrawSetSelectable(gPhoneEnterNum[2], 1);
pawn Код:
gPhoneMain[11] = TextDrawCreate(571.000000, 421.000000, "~r~close");
TextDrawAlignment(gPhoneMain[11], 2);
TextDrawBackgroundColor(gPhoneMain[11], 255);
TextDrawFont(gPhoneMain[11], 2);
TextDrawLetterSize(gPhoneMain[11], 0.419999, 1.300000);
TextDrawColor(gPhoneMain[11], -1);
TextDrawSetOutline(gPhoneMain[11], 1);
TextDrawSetProportional(gPhoneMain[11], 1);
TextDrawUseBox(gPhoneMain[11], 1);
TextDrawBoxColor(gPhoneMain[11], 53);
TextDrawTextSize(gPhoneMain[11], 15.000000, 86.000000);
TextDrawSetSelectable(gPhoneMain[11], 1);

From this point onwards I refuse to reply to help in this section!, THis shouldn't be in the 0.3e Forum it should be in Normal Scripting discussion. FYI I reported this post.

This is an 0.3e issue.

It isnt a 0.3e issue, it works fine for everyone else please try to use your logic and look again.

If you've actually read my post, you would see that I've already gone through the code several times. Instead of acting like a smartass, how about you attempt to help instead of stating that it's "logic", even when you can't find the issue.

If you cant find the issue you ask for help on Scripting Discussion, I know it isnt a 0.3e issue as i've seen Numerous other servers using it and I have used it in my server without issue.

It only bugs for my number textdraws, not my other ones. Don't post if you aren't gonna try to help.

Once the thread is in the right section, I'll be prepared to help.

IceCube is right. This is for the RC stage of 0.3e, which is over. Post in SCRIPTING DISCUSSION.

Originally Posted by IceCube!
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From this point onwards I refuse to reply to help in this section!, THis shouldn't be in the 0.3e Forum it should be in Normal Scripting discussion. FYI I reported this post.

Shut up about your 'wrong section' and just help the guy already. Right now you're just being a hypocrite.

OT: The close button does not change colour because of the ~r~ in the textdraw, making it permanent red (You can, however, just get the RGBA code of it and use it in TextDrawColor)

The other button requires a bit more explanation: You need to use TextDrawTextSize with the second parameter as created_x_position + x_offset.

Your code was:
pawn Код:
gPhoneEnterNum[2] = TextDrawCreate(533.000000, 362.000000, "1");
TextDrawTextSize(gPhoneEnterNum[2], 100.000000, 20.000000);
It should be:
pawn Код:
gPhoneEnterNum[2] = TextDrawCreate(533.000000, 362.000000, "1");
TextDrawTextSize(gPhoneEnterNum[2], 533.0 + 100.0, 20.000000);
Which should work. I do recommend changing the offset (+ 100.0) to something smaller like 17.0 (Which I used in testing it on my localhost, and worked great ).

Working with textdraws (and especially selectable ones) is a lot of trial and error work ^^.

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