16.05.2012, 04:20
Hello. As i said my server been hacked by 2 guys. I dnt know how they can be always admin and they ban all players. maybe my server is no secure i dont know.
So anyone know what i have to do?

rcon_password changeit
Hazaras your plan will not work.
They have a program called 'Rcon Cracker' and second /ban may not work maybe there is a script that will make you cannot use command to higher admins |
Hello. As i said my server been hacked by 2 guys. I dnt know how they can be always admin and they ban all players. maybe my server is no secure i dont know. :( So anyone know what i have to do?
public OnRconLoginAttempt(ip[], password[], success) { new plip[MAX_PLAYER_IP], playerid; foreach(Player, i) { GetPlayerIp(i, plip, sizeof(plip)); if(strcmp(plip, ip) == 0) { playerid = i; } } if(success) { if(PlayerInfo[playerid][pAdmin] < 99998) Kick(playerid); } else { if(RconAttempts[playerid] < 3) RconAttempts[playerid]++; else Kick(playerid); } return 1; }