Server Crashing

Hello. I've got an old RP gamemode of mine, but I can't get it to work. I already posted the problem here.
After some debugging I noticed the problem isn't occuring in showing Dialog, as whole OnPlayerConnect is fine.
My question is:
Is there any order of running public's scripts? Something after "OnPlayerConnect" is crashing my server, but I don't know which public to debug next.

Siemka braciszku
If you wanna receive help, you need to show logs from the server.
No, there is not any order of running public scripts, however they are not supported either.
As always, you can do your own one
Show to log file.


Oł haj!
Crash Info


SA-MP Server: 0.3d-R2

Exception At Address: 0x7C90100B


EAX: 0x00000020	EBX: 0x0000005B	ECX: 0x7FFDF000	EDX: 0x00000020

ESI: 0x00000000	EDI: 0x029AF070	EBP: 0x0012FD88	ESP: 0x0012FD50

EFLAGS: 0x00010202


+0000: 0x0048DA4E   0x00000020   0x0048E09E   0x00000000

+0010: 0x029AF070   0x00000000   0x0000005B   0x00000FFF

+0020: 0x0012FD60   0x0012F974   0x0012FEDC   0x004920A8

+0030: 0x004ACCB0   0xFFFFFFFF   0x00000000   0x0040534E

+0040: 0x0000005B   0x00000000   0x029AF048   0x0012FDB8

+0050: 0x018013D8   0x0040578F   0x00000001   0x00E4D598

+0060: 0x00E4D598   0x0000004E   0x018291C4   0x004010B6

+0070: 0x00E4D598   0x029AF070   0x0182A9EC   0x00402B63

+0080: 0x00E4D598   0x0000000F   0x0012FDF0   0x029AF048

+0090: 0x0126EE30   0x00000000   0x00000000   0x00E4D598

+00A0: 0x00000000   0x0118465C   0x0118465C   0x011857AC

+00B0: 0x002433B0   0x01185684   0x002433B0   0x018013D8

+00C0: 0x0182A9EC   0x00000000   0x01800020   0x00029614

+00D0: 0x0047B488   0x00E4D598   0x0012FE50   0x00000001

+00E0: 0x00A57608   0x7C802446   0x3BC04A9E   0x00A56B10

+00F0: 0x0126EE30   0x00000001   0x00A56B10   0x00A56B28

+0100: 0x000001F4   0x004867EA   0x00000005   0x7C802530

+0110: 0x7C80A0A7   0x00000000   0x3BC04A9E   0x00482E7E

+0120: 0x00000000   0x00000A28   0x0012FFC0   0x7FFD9000

+0130: 0x00007510   0x00010101   0x00000020   0x00001E61
Server log will not tell us anything, as it tells us nothing more than the fact that server crashes after "OnPlayerConnect"

Are you using the correct version of plugins and includes? Recheck them all. Use .so for linux servers while writing them in the serverconfig.cfg file. What version you're running the script on?

I've downloaded plugins and includes correct for my version of Server which is 0.3dR2. Just to check it I just downloaded new version of Streamer and sscanf2... Still same problem.

Okay. The server crashes when OnPlayerConnect callback is executed? Then Paste your OnPlayerConnect callback here.

Server crashes right after OnPlayerConnect
public OnPlayerConnect(playerid)
	printf("Player just Connected");
    new str[128], secondstring[128], accname[128]; printf("new variables etc.");
	format(accname, sizeof(accname), "ORP/Accounts/%s.ini", GetName(playerid)); printf("Formating 'accname' for use with fexist.");
	    format(str, sizeof(str), "{FFFFFF}Welcome!\nAccount: {FBFF00} %s\n{FFFFFF}Please, log in!", GetName(playerid));
		ShowPlayerDialog(playerid, DIALOG_LOGIN, DIALOG_STYLE_INPUT, "Login", str, "Ok", "Leave");
 	if(!fexist(accname)) printf("Script checks for player file in scriptfiles.");
 	    format(str, sizeof(str), "{FFFFFF}Welcome {FBFF00}%s \n\n{FFFFFF}Register your account!", GetName(playerid)); printf("formating dialog text");
		ShowPlayerDialog(playerid, DIALOG_REGISTER, DIALOG_STYLE_INPUT, "Register", str, "Ok", "Leave"); printf("showing dialog");
	printf("OnPlayerConnect ran properly.");
	return 1;
I've just erased OnPlayerConnect code, and tried to join... server crashed -.- Looks like the problem is bigger than I thought...
PS. Script was translated on fly, so ignore anything that isn't english. Basicaly script is in Polish language.

Then the problem lies somewhere else.

I've just debugged OnPlayerRequestClass - server logs say that it had ran properly, but when I ALT+TAB SAMP just when I connect, the server already been crashed. What's called right after OnPlayerRequestClass?

OnPlayerRequestSpawn. Give me the code!

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