04.05.2012, 20:47
[19:44:20] Error: Function not registered: 'Audio_Seek'
[19:44:20] Script[gamemodes/MS-RP.amx]: Run time error 19: "File or function is not found"
[19:44:20] Number of vehicle models: 0
Is someone able to identify whats wrong with this and help me find the solution to my problem?
[19:44:20] Script[gamemodes/MS-RP.amx]: Run time error 19: "File or function is not found"
[19:44:20] Number of vehicle models: 0
Is someone able to identify whats wrong with this and help me find the solution to my problem?
if(Audio_IsClientConnected(playerid)) { new localhandle = Audio_Play(playerid,audioid,false,false,false); Audio_SetVolume(playerid, localhandle, volume); Audio_Seek(playerid, localhandle, seek); } else { return 0; } } return 1; } SendAudioToRange(audioid, volume, seek, Float, Float:y, Float:z, Float:range) { if(audiohandleglobal >= 99) { audiohandleglobal = 0; } else { audiohandleglobal++; } foreach(Player, i) { if(IsPlayerConnected(i)) { if(Audio_IsClientConnected(i)) { if(IsPlayerInRangeOfPoint(i,range,x,y,z)) { new localhandle = Audio_Play(i,audioid,false,false,false); Audio_Set3DPosition(i, localhandle, x, y, z, range); Audio_SetVolume(i, localhandle, volume); Audio_Seek(i, localhandle, seek); audiohandle[i][audiohandleglobal] = localhandle; } } } } return audiohandleglobal; } stock SendAudioURLToRange(url[], volume, seek, Float, Float:y, Float:z, Float:range) { if(audiohandleglobal >= 99) { audiohandleglobal = 0; } else { audiohandleglobal++; } foreach(Player, i) { if(IsPlayerConnected(i)) { if(Audio_IsClientConnected(i)) { if(IsPlayerInRangeOfPoint(i,range,x,y,z)) { new localhandle = Audio_PlayStreamed(i,url,false,false,false); Audio_Set3DPosition(i, localhandle, x, y, z, range); Audio_SetVolume(i, localhandle, volume); Audio_Seek(i, localhandle, seek); audiohandle[i][audiohandleglobal] = localhandle; } } } } return audiohandleglobal; } |