[HELP] Need to remove the mysql

Can you remove the mysql and to make a simply. I would be very grateful, I will give +rep

if(dialogid == 201)
	    new vardas[MAX_PLAYER_NAME], string[128];
	    GetPlayerName(playerid, vardas, sizeof(vardas));
	        if(!strlen(inputtext)) return ShowPlayerDialog(playerid,201,DIALOG_STYLE_INPUT,"{A3E4FF}Registracija","{FFFFFF}Jus neivedete slaptazodzio.\n{FFFFFF}Prasome ivesti slaptazodi, kad galetumete uzsiregistruoti.","Registruotis","Atsaukti");
			if(strlen(inputtext) < 3 || strlen(inputtext) >= 32)
 				return ShowPlayerDialog(playerid,201,DIALOG_STYLE_INPUT,"{A3E4FF}Registracija","{FFFFFF}Slaptazodis yra per ilgas arba per trumpas.\n{FFFFFF}Prasome ivesti slaptazodi, kad galetumete uzsiregistruoti.","Registruotis","Atsaukti");
			format(string, sizeof(string), "INSERT INTO Saskaitos (Vardas,Slaptazodis) VALUES ('%s','%s')", vardas, (inputtext));
			SendClientMessage(playerid, geltona, "[FunZoneLT]>> Jusu vartotojas uzregistruotas, ir jus buvote automatiskai prijungtas.");
			SendClientMessage(playerid, geltona, "[FunZoneLT]>> Sekmes zaidime jums linki Administracijos komanda!");
			if(!strlen(inputtext) || strlen(inputtext) > 100)  //Password is not 1 to 100 characters
   				ShowPlayerDialog(playerid,201,DIALOG_STYLE_INPUT,"{A3E4FF}Registracija","{FFFFFF}Jus neivedete slaptazodzio.\n{FFFFFF}Prasome ivesti slaptazodi, kad galetumete uzsiregistruoti.","Registruotis","Atsaukti");
       		else if(strlen(inputtext) > 0 && strlen(inputtext) < 100)
      			new escpass[100];
        		mysql_real_escape_string(inputtext, escpass);
         		MySQL_Register(playerid, escpass);
		   	SendClientMessage(playerid, raudona, "[FunZoneLT]>> Jus turite uzsiregistruoti serveryje, pries zaidziant!");
	if(dialogid == 200)
        if(response) //If the player clicked login
            new query[200], pname[24], escapepass[100]; //
            GetPlayerName(playerid, pname, 24); //Gets the players name
            mysql_real_escape_string(inputtext, escapepass); //We escape the inputtext to avoid SQL injections.
            format(query, sizeof(query), "SELECT `Vardas` FROM Saskaitos WHERE Vardas = '%s' AND Slaptazodis = SHA1('%s')", pname, escapepass);
            new numrows = mysql_num_rows();
            if(numrows == 1) MySQL_Login(playerid);
            //This means that there is a user in the database with the same
            //password that we typed, we now proceed by using the login function.
                //This means that the password that the player
                //typed was incorrect and we will resend the dialog.
                ShowPlayerDialog(playerid,200,DIALOG_STYLE_INPUT,"{A3E4FF}Prisijungimas","{FFFFFF}Jus ivedete neteisinga slaptazodi.\n{FFFFFF}Prasome ivesti teisinga slaptazodi, kad galetumete prisijungti!","Prisijungti","Atsaukti");
            mysql_free_result(); //Remember to always free a result if you stored one!
		    SendClientMessage(playerid, raudona, "[FunZoneLT]>> Jus turite prisijungti prie serverio, pries zaidziant!");
	if(dialogid == 0) //Jei dialogid bus lygus 0
        new string[120], vardas[MAX_PLAYER_NAME];
        GetPlayerName(playerid, vardas, sizeof(vardas));
            MoneyGiven[playerid] = -1; //Resets the variable that you will discover later in the tutorial.
    		new query[200], pname[24]; //Creates our variables.
    		GetPlayerName(playerid, pname, 24); //Gets the players name
    		format(query, sizeof(query), "SELECT IP FROM `Saskaitos` WHERE Vardas = '%s' LIMIT 1", pname); //Formats the query, view above the code for a explanation
    		mysql_query(query); //This is our query function to query the string
    		mysql_store_result(); //We store the result.
    		SendClientMessage(playerid, raudona, "[FunZoneLT]>> NEVEIKIA!!!");
    		new rows = mysql_num_rows(); //We get how many rows the query returned.
        		//If the rows are equal to 0. This means that the query did not find
        		//anyone under the name we connected under in the database.
        		//So here we send the player the register dialog.
        		format(string, sizeof(string), "{FFFFFF}Zaidejo {FFAF00}%s {FFFFFF}registracija.\n{FFFFFF}Iveskite norima slaptazodi:",vardas);
          		SendClientMessage(playerid, raudona, "[FunZoneLT]>> VEIKIA");
    		if(rows == 1)
    		    SendClientMessage(playerid, raudona, "[FunZoneLT]>> hujovai");
        		//If the rows are equal to 1, this means there is a player already registered
        		//so we can initiate the login dialog to the player or check if the players
        		//current IP is the same one as in the database.
        		new IP[2][16]; //We create a variable with two IP strings, one for retrieving the mysql field and one for GetPlayerIP.
        		GetPlayerIp(playerid, IP[1], 16);
        		if(strlen(IP[0]) != 0 && !strcmp(IP[0], IP[1], true)) //Checks that the MySQL IP has a value and that they are the same.
        		else if(!strlen(IP[0]) || strcmp(IP[0], IP[1], true))
            		format(string, sizeof(string), "{FFFFFF}Zaidejas {FFAF00}%s {FFFFFF}yra registruotas.\n{FFFFFF}Iveskite slaptazodi noredami prisijungti:",vardas);
    		//You must always free the mysql result to avoid
    		//there being massive memory usage.
            /*if(SaskYra[playerid] == 1)
                       format(string, sizeof(string), "{FFFFFF}Zaidejas {FFAF00}%s {FFFFFF}yra registruotas.\n{FFFFFF}Iveskite slaptazodi noredami prisijungti:",vardas);
            else if(SaskYra[playerid] == 0)
                      format(string, sizeof(string), "{FFFFFF}Zaidejo {FFAF00}%s {FFFFFF}registracija.\n{FFFFFF}Iveskite norima slaptazodi:",vardas);
            SendClientMessage(playerid, raudona, "[FunZoneLT]>> Jus turite sutikti su taisyklemis, pries zaidziant!");

what do you mean?

Remove MYSQL

Mysql given you the ability to save it on your website, without any using in mysql the jail will remove after disconnected from your server.

Note that I've changed some of the if statements too.

pawn Код:
if(dialogid == 201)
        new vardas[MAX_PLAYER_NAME];
        GetPlayerName(playerid, vardas, sizeof(vardas));
            if(!strlen(inputtext)) return ShowPlayerDialog(playerid,201,DIALOG_STYLE_INPUT,"{A3E4FF}Registracija","{FFFFFF}Jus neivedete slaptazodzio.\n{FFFFFF}Prasome ivesti slaptazodi, kad galetumete uzsiregistruoti.","Registruotis","Atsaukti");
            if(strlen(inputtext) < 3 || strlen(inputtext) >= 32)
                return ShowPlayerDialog(playerid,201,DIALOG_STYLE_INPUT,"{A3E4FF}Registracija","{FFFFFF}Slaptazodis yra per ilgas arba per trumpas.\n{FFFFFF}Prasome ivesti slaptazodi, kad galetumete uzsiregistruoti.","Registruotis","Atsaukti");
            SendClientMessage(playerid, geltona, "[FunZoneLT]>> Jusu vartotojas uzregistruotas, ir jus buvote automatiskai prijungtas.");
            SendClientMessage(playerid, geltona, "[FunZoneLT]>> Sekmes zaidime jums linki Administracijos komanda!");

            if(!strlen(inputtext) || strlen(inputtext) > 100)  //Password is not 1 to 100 characters
                ShowPlayerDialog(playerid,201,DIALOG_STYLE_INPUT,"{A3E4FF}Registracija","{FFFFFF}Jus neivedete slaptazodzio.\n{FFFFFF}Prasome ivesti slaptazodi, kad galetumete uzsiregistruoti.","Registruotis","Atsaukti");
            else if(strlen(inputtext) > 0 && strlen(inputtext) < 100)

            SendClientMessage(playerid, raudona, "[FunZoneLT]>> Jus turite uzsiregistruoti serveryje, pries zaidziant!");
    if(dialogid == 200)
        if(response) //If the player clicked login
            new pname[24], escapepass[100]; //
            GetPlayerName(playerid, pname, 24); //Gets the players name
            //This means that there is a user in the database with the same
            //password that we typed, we now proceed by using the login function.
            if(/*incorrect pass*/)
                //This means that the password that the player
                //typed was incorrect and we will resend the dialog.
                ShowPlayerDialog(playerid,200,DIALOG_STYLE_INPUT,"{A3E4FF}Prisijungimas","{FFFFFF}Jus ivedete neteisinga slaptazodi.\n{FFFFFF}Prasome ivesti teisinga slaptazodi, kad galetumete prisijungti!","Prisijungti","Atsaukti");
            SendClientMessage(playerid, raudona, "[FunZoneLT]>> Jus turite prisijungti prie serverio, pries zaidziant!");
pawn Код:
    if(dialogid == 0) //Jei dialogid bus lygus 0
        new string[120], vardas[MAX_PLAYER_NAME];
        GetPlayerName(playerid, vardas, sizeof(vardas));
            MoneyGiven[playerid] = -1; //Resets the variable that you will discover later in the tutorial.
            new pname[24]; //Creates our variables.
            GetPlayerName(playerid, pname, 24); //Gets the players name
            SendClientMessage(playerid, raudona, "[FunZoneLT]>> NEVEIKIA!!!");
            if(/*must register*/)
                //If the rows are equal to 0. This means that the query did not find
                //anyone under the name we connected under in the database.
                //So here we send the player the register dialog.
                format(string, sizeof(string), "{FFFFFF}Zaidejo {FFAF00}%s {FFFFFF}registracija.\n{FFFFFF}Iveskite norima slaptazodi:",vardas);
                SendClientMessage(playerid, raudona, "[FunZoneLT]>> VEIKIA");
            if(rows == 1)
                SendClientMessage(playerid, raudona, "[FunZoneLT]>> hujovai");
                //If the rows are equal to 1, this means there is a player already registered
                //so we can initiate the login dialog to the player or check if the players
                //current IP is the same one as in the database.
                new IP[2][16]; //We create a variable with two IP strings, one for retrieving the mysql field and one for GetPlayerIP.
                GetPlayerIp(playerid, IP[1], 16);
                if(/*IPs match*/) //Checks that the MySQL IP has a value and that they are the same.
                else if(/*IPs don't match*/)
                    format(string, sizeof(string), "{FFFFFF}Zaidejas {FFAF00}%s {FFFFFF}yra registruotas.\n{FFFFFF}Iveskite slaptazodi noredami prisijungti:",vardas);
            /*if(SaskYra[playerid] == 1)
                       format(string, sizeof(string), "{FFFFFF}Zaidejas {FFAF00}%s {FFFFFF}yra registruotas.\n{FFFFFF}Iveskite slaptazodi noredami prisijungti:",vardas);
            else if(SaskYra[playerid] == 0)
                      format(string, sizeof(string), "{FFFFFF}Zaidejo {FFAF00}%s {FFFFFF}registracija.\n{FFFFFF}Iveskite norima slaptazodi:",vardas);

            SendClientMessage(playerid, raudona, "[FunZoneLT]>> Jus turite sutikti su taisyklemis, pries zaidziant!");

I know but I need to remove it, because before a server was without mysql and everything worked, but my friend decided to make a mysql and did not complete. Now he has no time and I do not know anything about mysql

yet this is the:

	        new vardas[MAX_PLAYER_NAME];
	        GetPlayerName(playerid, vardas, sizeof(vardas));
	        new query[ 128 ], EscapedPass[ 128 ], sstring[50];
	        if(!strlen(inputtext)) return ShowPlayerDialog(playerid,200,DIALOG_STYLE_INPUT,"{A3E4FF}Prisijungimas","{FFFFFF}Jus neivedete slaptazodzio.\n{FFFFFF}Prasome ivesti slaptazodi, kad galetumete prisijungti.","Prisijungti","Atsaukti");
	        if(strlen(inputtext) < 3 || strlen(inputtext) >= 32)
	    	return ShowPlayerDialog(playerid,200,DIALOG_STYLE_INPUT,"{A3E4FF}Prisijungimas","{FFFFFF}Slaptazodis yra per trumpas arba per ilgas.\n{FFFFFF}Prasome ivesti teisinga slaptazodi, kad galetumete prisijungti!","Prisijungti","Atsaukti");
        	mysql_real_escape_string( inputtext, EscapedPass );
        	format(query,sizeof(query), "SELECT * FROM `Saskaitos` WHERE `Vardas` = '%s' AND `Slaptazodis` = '%s'", vardas, EscapedPass );
        	mysql_query( query );

        	if( mysql_num_rows() >= 1 )
          	    prisijunges[playerid] = 1;
				SendClientMessage(playerid, geltona, "[FunZoneLT]>> Jus prisijungete! Sekmes zaidime jums linki Administracijos komanda!");
				if(ALygis[playerid] >= 1)
  		    		Alabel[playerid] = Create3DTextLabel("Administratorius", raudona,30.0,40.0,50.0,40.0,0);
    				Attach3DTextLabelToPlayer(Alabel[playerid], playerid, 0.0, 0.0, 0.7);
                ShowPlayerDialog(playerid,200,DIALOG_STYLE_INPUT,"{A3E4FF}Prisijungimas","{FFFFFF}Jus ivedete neteisinga slaptazodi.\n{FFFFFF}Prasome ivesti teisinga slaptazodi, kad galetumete prisijungti!","Prisijungti","Atsaukti");
        	//ZStats[playerid][Adminas] = strval(field[2]);
 			//ZStats[playerid][Pinigai] = strval(field[3]);
 			//GivePlayerMoney(playerid, ZStats[playerid][Pinigai]);
        	//new row[128];
			//new field[7][32];
			new row[128];
			new field[7][32];
			//mysql_fetch_row_format(row, "|");
        		//We use while so that it does a single query, not multiple
       			//Especially when we have more variables. If there is more
        		//Variables, you should just split the line with sscanf. To
       			 //Make it easier.
        		mysql_fetch_field_row(sstring, "Pinigai"); DuotiPinigus[playerid] = strval(sstring);
        		//If you are wondering why I'm using savingstring instead
        		//Of a variable like using MoneyGiven right away, it's because
        		//mysql_fetch_field_row requires a string.
    		GivePlayerMoney(playerid, DuotiPinigus[playerid]);
			explode(row, field, "|");
			format(ZStats[playerid][Slaptazodis], 32, "%s", field[1]);
 		//	ZStats[playerid][Adminas] = strval(field[2]);
 		//	ZStats[playerid][Pinigai] = strval(field[3]);
 			//ZStats[playerid][Smasina] = strval(field[7]);
 		//	GivePlayerMoney(playerid, ZStats[playerid][Pinigai]);
			//new vardas[MAX_PLAYER_NAME];
	        //GetPlayerName(playerid, vardas, sizeof(vardas));
			//format(string, sizeof(string), "UPDATE Saskaitos SET Smasina= 1 WHERE Vardas='%s'", vardas );
		//	mysql_query(string);
	//		mysql_free_result();
		    SendClientMessage(playerid, raudona, "[FunZoneLT]>> Jus turite prisijungti prie serverio, pries zaidziant!");

Dont steal cmds and make your own :P

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