stripers for the sever

Can someone give me a working link of a stripers script or how i can make mine

Stripers or strippers? What exactly do you want..?

Originally Posted by MP2
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Stripers or strippers? What exactly do you want..?
He said stripers

There's no such thing as a striper, it's a striPPer, I was taking the piss.


Originally Posted by MP2
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Stripers or strippers? What exactly do you want..?
He made a typo, he meant strippers.

I know, I was taking the piss (second time I've said that now..)

Originally Posted by MP2
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I know, I was taking the piss (second time I've said that now..)
Didn't see that, since we both posted at the same minute.

Originally Posted by MP2
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There's no such thing as a striper, it's a striPPer, I was taking the piss.

Oh look, MP2 is posting more useless, unhelpful posts. What's new.

Regardless of whether or not he meant stripper, striper is a word.

boyan96, if you want help you are going to have to be more clear. You need to explain exactly what you are looking for and what this script does.

Create NPC sluts doing dance style 2(Or is it 3?) ??

Originally Posted by Potassium
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Oh look, MP2 is posting more useless, unhelpful posts. What's new.
Thanks for the compliment, it is duly noted. I think you'll find that 98 percent of my posts are helping people in scripting discussion, so I think I'm allowed to post something un-contributive once in a while. I do not work here, I am not obliged to be helpful in every post.

As for stripers, I have a small feeling that he wasn't requesting "a serviceman who wears stripes on the uniform to indicate rank or years of service".

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