How to get coordinates of point to the right of vehicle?

It is hard to explain, I've prepared some screenshotes. So, it is a geometric question. Help me please with solution of this problem. How can I get coordinates of the point to the right of vehicle, based on vehicle coordinates and other information?
P.S. Vehicle ID - 588.


Originally Posted by Viniborn
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It returns vehicle Z rotation angle, but how can I get right point coordinates?

may be unsure though
u can use combination of these functions IsPlayerInVehicle GetPlayerPos then Get x y coordinate and use IsPlayerinrangeofpoint

The first step is to obtain the rotation.
The second is the position (X, Y, Z).

So trigonometry. Pythagoras, etc.

Originally Posted by Niko_boy
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may be unsure though
u can use combination of these functions IsPlayerInVehicle GetPlayerPos then Get x y coordinate and use IsPlayerinrangeofpoint
There is no solution in your answer) I need coordinates to create a pickup. So, if it is 0, 90, 180, 270 z angle, it is easy to get point coordinates, but I will deal with other angles.

Originally Posted by Viniborn
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So trigonometry. Pythagoras, etc.
This is what I'm talking about, there must be geometric solution, but I have no idea how to do this, therefore I posted this question.

Here an easy stock

pawn Код:
stock GetXYInDirection(& Float: X, & Float: Y, Float: Angle, Float: distance = 1.0) {
    X -= (floatsin(Angle, degrees) * distance);
    Y += (floatcos(Angle, degrees) * distance);
And how to use it in your example

pawn Код:
    Float: X,
    Float: Y,
    Float: Z,
    Float: A
GetVehiclePos(vehicleid, X, Y, Z);
GetVehicleZAngle(vehicleid, A);
GetXYInDirection(X, Y, (A - 90.0), 5.0); // (angle - 90) is the angle to the right

Originally Posted by Nero_3D
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Here an easy stock
Thank you! Will test it.

Thanks again, it works fine! But can you give me theorems on which this solution is based on?

On the unit circle

To get to the correct x we need cos and for y we need sin
x = cos(angle)
y = sin(angle)
The only thing we need to consider in sa-mp is that 0 degrees is 90 degrees in the unit circle, also we use
x = cos(angle + 90)
y = sin(angle + 90)
Another notation for that would be
x = -sin(angle)
y = cos(angle)
In the end we just add these cordinates to our original position
x = x - sin(angle)
y = y + cos(angle)

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