Changing City on GM

Well, I'm a experienced NOOB scripter, I know a few things with Pawno, like I can do house systems and car systems, anyway, I have the old NGRP, script, and I was wanting to change from Los Santos to Fort Carson.

how can this be done?

Just change the x,y,z cordinates and done

Yea, you basically have to go through the script finding all the important X,Y,Zs of EG Bank, Police, Hospital, Initial Spawn and change them to where you want.

Use :

pawn Код:
SetPlayerPos(playerid, "Coordinates");

Oh, thanks guys for all you're help, Me and my mate have been working on a server for two years now, and the gaming community I ran, have decided to close their doors, so I might release a few custom stuff we did.

Hello,this will help you.

1.Go and download ******.
2.Go to the place where you want to teleport.
3.On ****** tab(down),there was something like this
126.16,2077.95,70.93 0
4.Write down that code somewhere(Don't write last "0" on ****** tab).
5.Now open your GameMode script by pawno and go to
public OnPlayerCommandText(playerid, cmdtext[])
(Will be middle of script).
6.Past this under "OnPlayerCommandText"
if (strcmp("/Put any name here", cmdtext, true, 10) == 0)
		SetPlayerPos(playerid,_,_,_ );
		return 1;
7.Fill this like this what i did Ex:
8.Put the code that you write somewhere on there up as i did.(Remove this"_")
9.It's all you have to do

If you want help ONLY on this topic i can help
Give me a Rep+ if i help you

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